Trick to save .wmv

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  • anonceleb
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 4

    Trick to save .wmv


    I am by no way an expert, but I sure am in need for one. My story starts with downloading a .wmv file from a server and saving the .wmv on my hard drive. The concerned server is setup so that it will follow the following rules:

    1. only windows media player can access the content (not just any download program can reach the content to download it).

    2. the streaming content is not allowed to be saved by WMP9 or IE (right-click won’t work, and the option to save is disabled in WMP)

    3. if the WMP player is version 9, then stream the media using the 9 codec. Otherwise, use older codec.

    However, there’s a program called SDP that will bypass the restriction by pretending to be some version of WMP (either 6.4 or 7 or 8, but certainly not 9). The videos download nicely onto my hard drive through SDP program. (yeay)

    but, I am not satisfied. The files downloaded on my hard drive are not encoded by the latest windows media 9 codec (I am sure the original files on the server are wmv codec 9 files).

    Because the SDP program pretends to be an older version of WMP as described above, the rational thing for the server is to stream the content in the suitable codec that is related to SDP's request as an older version of WMP. The server knows that old versions of WMP can’t play the 9 codec and since SDP program (as far the server is concerned) is an old version of WMP, the server will stream the content in some appropriate codec other than the 9 codec. ( the server will only download the wmv9 files to WMP9, while other versions receive wmv7 format or something).

    I did a lot of network traffic captures when the actual WMP9 was playing the actual stream and I found the traffic to be rather baffling. In other words, it is pretty hard to make a program pretend to be WMP9.

    My post boils down to this: does anyone know how to make a program pretend to be WMP9 so that the server will stream the content to the program, which in turn will save the file on my hard drive in the 9 codec thing.

    Another way you can help me is if you point me in the direction of a resource that explains to me the format of a .wmv (or .asf) file, because that way I can support myself with an alternative plan: I have had ideas to make a complete network traffic capture when the file is being streamed and then I would take out the extra stuff to end up with a pure .wmv file that can be saved but this solution hasn’t worked because it is extremely hard to know which portions are relevant when it comes to a wmv9 file. It is easy to screw up the whole file if you mess up

    Basically I need one of two things:
    1. a program that can pretend to be WMP9 (ASFRcorder and all others won’t do it).
    2. a resource or an explanation for the format and the structure of .wmv or .asf files (I’d like to stay away from Microsoft articles koz they don’t make ****in sense at all). This way I would know which part of the stream I can excise (from a traffic capture/log) so that I end up with a pure .wmv file.

    Sorry for the lengthy post and thanx in advance.

    Ps. I attached a partial network traffic capture that indicates how WMP9 convinces the server that it is WMP9 (authentication).
    Last edited by anonceleb; 24 Oct 2003, 02:26 PM.
  • vic_vega
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • May 2003
    • 179

    This should do the trick!

    WM Recorder <a href=""></a>

    Works like a charm!


    • anonceleb
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 4

      tried it already before i made my post. i heard about it on one of the posts actually. doesn't work for me. sorry. the actual link is:



      • vic_vega
        Platinum Member
        Platinum Member
        • May 2003
        • 179

        So you are a celeb?

        Oh, and since I personally think that the Windows Media Format is a complete, utter, and overall joke of a format, I would suggest using <a href="">TMPGEnc Plus</a> to convert it to a more viable format like an .MPG.


        • anonceleb
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 4

          what i want is the actual file on the server, which is encoded in wm9 codec. unfortunately i am currently getting a "dummed-down" version in some other but older windows media codec. the server actually converts the codec from 9 to an older codec before delivering the stream (because it thinks a WMP7 is on the other side).
          i personally don't care which format it is as long as i can get the actual file on the server, not the dummed-down version. and if i convert the file i get to wmv 9 then i am not getting the actual file on the server.
          thanx for your replies.


          • vic_vega
            Platinum Member
            Platinum Member
            • May 2003
            • 179

            Ok, well, if I can get it which I am somewhat confident that I can, ... do you want me to hold on to it so I could send it to you? Like Aim, Email, etc.?

            And you prefer it in the Windows Media 9 format huh? Well, I'll see what I can do...


            • vic_vega
              Platinum Member
              Platinum Member
              • May 2003
              • 179

              Ok, well I actually think this is impossible now...

              At about 12 seonds into the clip it ALWAYS freeze's, and buffers.

              I'm sorry I can't help you. I actually got it to record up to that 12 seconds, then of course it buffers, so then I stop the recorder to stop it from recording and wait for it to buffer, and then when I try to restart it, it just freezes, and stops.

              Screw Microsoft, and their crappy format that sucks so badly, that they, and other people think is so great.

              (and to think, that they are actually trying to get (companies) this legit as a "High Definition DVD-Like format")

              (Allegedly the newest release of the Terminator 2 DVD had a version in their terrible "format")

              HA! thats a joke, that format makes me want to vomit it looks so bad.


              • anonceleb
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 4

                from reading the network traffic capture for the program you recommended, i found that it used TCP protocol when it is suppose to use RTSP protocol. TCP is horrible if you want to transfer media over the internet, koz it is not desgined for such thing in mind, so it overloads either the server or the network or the program and something fails somewhere and everything freezes. i am calling to some programmer out there to modify an existing program or come up with a new program that will immitate WMP9 so that the server will stream the content. and doing such thing is not that hard at all. all you have to do is send customized network packets (that look like WMP9 packets) at certain intervals. i just don't have the expertise to do it.

                damn microsoft. why don't all formats ****in disappeare and then we just left with XVid. that way we be better off.

                thanks for all your effort vic_vega.
                Last edited by anonceleb; 25 Oct 2003, 02:46 AM.

