plays on computer not on player?

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  • simmy
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 10

    plays on computer not on player?

    Hi, I have just purchased a DVD rewriter (toshiba sd r5112) & have spent weeks lurking on this forum to convince myself on how to back up my DVD's properly but have failed miserably with my first attempt (final destination). I have used dvd shrink to author and burned with Nero but have come up with the problem of the burned disc playing fine on the computer but not on my stand alone player (Toshiba sd330 - which I know plays DVD-r'S) I have tried this 3 times now with the same result, but I have used different media on each occasion - Ritek x 4, Ritek x2, & Mirror x2, I have also followed the guides and have burned in DVD/VIDEO mode & in UDF mode all with the same result of playing fine on my computer but not in my player. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    I'd suggest you take your burned DVD-rs to a retail electronics store - and see if they play on any/all of the display standalone DVD players...


    • simmy
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 10

      I'm not sure how accommodating my local stores will be with that, is there any chance it could be Nero should I try burnatonce or something?


      • rsquirell
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Feb 2003
        • 1329

        If the disc plays on your PC the proceedure is probably sound...but obviously the player has a compatibility problem with them. I've heard older players may not work with the new +R format (but I haven't heard new players won't work with -R's...yet.) Why don't you run thru your player's documentation and see if it plays -R media...and make sure you followed its instrutions for use. And check Nero to make sure you burned a DVD Video and not a Data or Image file.
        Last edited by rsquirell; 2 Nov 2003, 01:07 AM.


        • simmy
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 10

          Thanks for the reply. I know my DVD player plays -R media because I have borrowed disc's from friends to play and I checked on various forums which also confirms this, they also suggested Ritek media were the most widely compatible and specifically mention they play on my player model so thats why I chose them - I would be surprised that Ritek & Mirror were both incompatible. I am very much a newbie but I followed the guides closely so I am sure I did burn a DVD Video wouldn't the fact the disc play's on my PC confirm this?


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            If the player immediately opens and starts playing the video when you load the disc I'd say yes. If you have to go and click on the drive and an MPEG file to get it started you have a data disc. But if your DVD plays on the PC and not the Stand alone (which you've confirmed is working) then perhaps you've inadvertantly changed a setting on the player. There is also the possibility the DVD is corrupt...which is why setarip suggested you check to see if it'll play on another player.


            • simmy
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 10

              The player on my PC does open automatically and starts playing so I am pretty confident I have done that OK, I have not touched the settings on my DVD player but I checked them anyway I can't even see an option there for me to alter - it's all just picture size, subtitle language etc. I took the 3 discs to a friends and it won't play on his player either, and the corrupt disc possibility would mean all 3 were corrupt I know i'm unlucky but the chances that all 3 being corrupt would be slim, when I put it in my standalone player the "dvd" icon appears in the LCD screen it then says "play" - goes to the timer counter but that stays on zero & the screen stays blank throughout. I am confused! I know I have played -R's before & I have checked on again & my player is stated as playing -R's on there aswell.


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                Some standalone players will only recognize DVDs that include an empty "AUDIO_TS" (MUST be all capitals) folder...


                • simmy
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 10

                  Yes, I have included a AUDIO_TS folder. I have scanned some forums where people have had similar problems and there are a lot of threads where people have had success using Nero in UDF mode (which I did try on one of my 3 attempts). People have checked the "long filenames in the microsoft joiliet standard" or checked the X-box compatibility box and have had success - here's hoping!........first thing i'm gonna do though is invest in a DVD-RW disc to try to save money


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    Download a trial copy of TMPGenc DVD Author and see if that changes things for you.


                    • simmy
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 10

                      Originally posted by rsquirell
                      Download a trial copy of TMPGenc DVD Author and see if that changes things for you.

                      Why, what will that do?


                      • rsquirell
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 1329

                        If the DVD it burns plays on your stand-alone then you probably have a problem with Nero...If it doesn't you probably have a problem with the player or the disc media. It's a 30 free trial program.


                        • simmy
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 10

                          Success!, I tried again in DVD-ROM (UDF) mode, but this time checked the box "force DVD-Video compatibility mode (required for X-box TM)" and it worked. Thanks setarip & rsquirell for your time.


                          • setarip
                            • Dec 2001
                            • 24955

                            "Thanks setarip & rsquirell for your time."

                            We're glad to hear that you've resolved your dilemma ;>}

