Compressed video in general...

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  • Biggus
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 19

    Compressed video in general...

    Hi! All You nerds like Me. I was just wondering about a thing. When You watch a video, like DivX or Xvid, sometimes You see the video going at full speed, then halts for a millisecond, and continue at full speed, and halts for a millisecond. This is most clear when the movie shows a panorama over maby some hills and country. I was just wondering about, if this is a compression fault? It was a few days since I rented a DVD, but I believe there isn't that problem with DVD:s Am I right or am I wrong?


    If Jesus lived in France he'd been giljotinized, then all christians whould have a giljoutine around there necks instead of a crusifix.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "It was a few days since I rented a DVD, but I believe there isn't that problem with DVD:s"

    If you are saying that you are converting RENTED DVDs, be advised that such references (copying media that you don't own) are against forum rules...


    • Biggus
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • May 2002
      • 19


      Yeah Yeah, Right Right.Like, nobody does that. Of course I don't. Not if You ask anyways. I never rented a DVD and made a copy of it. That's not what this whole site is about, no sir. It,s all about making digital home videos, Yes sir,.
      Well, I'm not making a post ín the forum again, if I'm going to recieve these kind of stupid messages.

