No1 Video Convertor - 6gig!

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  • danbeherenow
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 41

    No1 Video Convertor - 6gig!

    Dont know the reason, praps im encdoing wrong?! Every file i encode using this tidy app seems to take up little or less over 6gig in space, i mean i encoded a wsf or the microsoft welknown file format which was 50mb in space, it converted still at 98% using 4 gig? there's something wrong i think!

    i use the div x pro 5.0.2 encoder to compress to avi
    and also use mp3, lame encoder i think

    i cant see a problem with what im doin to be honest! i just add a file and it converts but uses up all my disk space.

    an 800mb file converts (in smaller ratio too) to 6 gig!

    lol, video experts or experts on this program please help me.


  • danbeherenow
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 41

    who likes my new sig? lol, its cheap and nasty, but'll do! : D



    • Jomo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2004
      • 6

      Give some info on exactly what codecs your using, and what program!!


      • danbeherenow
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2004
        • 41

        program link

        program name: No1 Video convertor

        Input type:

        Mpg (Mpg1 not Mpg2)

        Output Spec or Type:

        AVI : DivX
        Frame rate 20 (inlucded in screeny)

        Output size when done probably in the region of 4gig - an 800 meg in the region of 7
        Last edited by danbeherenow; 15 Mar 2004, 05:01 AM.



        • danbeherenow
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2004
          • 41

          somethings up with the codec im using, im gonna use an Xvid codec hopefully no difference will be noticed, do u know a codec thats as good qual as the divx pro 5 one? praps an earlier version or a different codec...

          the screenys now included.
          Attached Files



          • danbeherenow
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2004
            • 41

            Originally posted by Jomo
            Give some info on exactly what codecs your using, and what program!!
            ??? info given!



            • shiny#3
              Digital Video Master
              Digital Video Master
              • Jul 2003
              • 1000

              use virtual dub or VirtualDubMOD for your recompression purposes.

              load your videofile into virtual dub.
              from video drop-down menu choose full processing mode.
              choose your compression .
              Xvid or divx...

              from the audio drop-down menu shows also full processing mode and choose the compression

              safe as avi under the file drop-down menu, using a new name.

              the normal bit rates of video is around 800 kbits per second for for a 90 minutes video to fit on a normal CD.
              the audio compression used is 128 bps in mp3.


              • shiny#3
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Jul 2003
                • 1000

                of course you can always use at bitrate calculator
                to choose the bitrate more accurately.

                good luck

