I'm trying to find the best method to use for my online business, but I dont know a hell of a lot about different video types. In short, my site will offer lots of video clips (no, it's not porn
) but only paying members will be allowed to watch them. I need to know the following:
1) what would be the best file type to offer, in regard to file size, clarity and sound? (clips are about 30-60 seconds each)? MPG, AVI, Real?
2) it must be a file type that cannot be edited (much like how a flash .swf file is "final").
3) If anything, I wish there were a method I could use so that the file cannot be downloaded or saved into the Temp directory of a visitor's computer. Is there any such method that I could use? How about streaming video? -- the only fear I have with it is the bandwidth.
I hope this made some kind of sense. I would really appreciate anyone's advice on this topic!!

1) what would be the best file type to offer, in regard to file size, clarity and sound? (clips are about 30-60 seconds each)? MPG, AVI, Real?
2) it must be a file type that cannot be edited (much like how a flash .swf file is "final").
3) If anything, I wish there were a method I could use so that the file cannot be downloaded or saved into the Temp directory of a visitor's computer. Is there any such method that I could use? How about streaming video? -- the only fear I have with it is the bandwidth.
I hope this made some kind of sense. I would really appreciate anyone's advice on this topic!!