Difference between Video/mp4 and video/mpeg

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  • vickdu
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2004
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    Difference between Video/mp4 and video/mpeg

    Hi all

    Can some break down the differences between video/mp4 and video/mpeg


  • sfheath
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Sep 2003
    • 2399

    From what I understand:
    MPEG1 - VCD - lowest screen resolution.
    MPEG2 - SVCD/DVD compliant - standard TV.
    MPEG4 - DivX/XviD .... the newer and increasingly popular spec of new DVD players - higher capacity.
    This isn't a learning curve ... this is b****y mountaineering!


    • atifsh
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • May 2003
      • 1534


      MPEG4 is a class of codecs used to compress AVI files; both DivX and XviD are types of MPEG4 codecs. It should be noted that there is no relation between MPEG/MPEG2 and MPEG4


      MPEG, or Motion-Pictures-Experts-Group is a very specific format used to store movies and MPEG files from which we can make VCDs (VideoCDs).
      it must meet either of the following specifications:
      352x240 at 29.97 fps
      352x288 at 25 fps


      MPEG2, or Motion-Pictures-Experts-Group-2 is a very specific format used to store movies and MPEG2 files from which we can make SVCDs (Super VideoCDs) and or DVD's.

      it must meet either of the following specifications:

      480x480 at 29.97 fps
      480x576 at 25 fps

      720x480 at 29.97 fps
      720x576 at 25 fps
      Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


      • bond_d9
        • Mar 2004
        • 61

        Originally posted by atifsh
        MPEG4 is a class of codecs used to compress AVI files; both DivX and XviD are types of MPEG4 codecs. It should be noted that there is no relation between MPEG/MPEG2 and MPEG4
        not really correct
        mpeg-4 (as mpeg-1/2) is defined by the moving pictures experts group (mpeg) and is therefore the successor standard of mpeg-1/2

        as mpeg-4 (like mpeg-1/2) is a a/v coding standard (and not "a class of codecs", many different codecs exist which follow it, the most popular ones are divx5 and xvid (but there are many more like 3ivx, nerodigital aso...)

        also mpeg-4 nowhere defines .avi, the container format defined in the mpeg-4 standard is .mp4, which is becoming more and more popular (as its far better than avi)

        still mpeg-4 is much more than only a video coding standard, read more about it here


        • atifsh
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • May 2003
          • 1534

          Originally posted by bond_d9
          not really correct
          mpeg-4 (as mpeg-1/2) is defined by the moving pictures experts group (mpeg) and is therefore the successor standard of mpeg-1/2
          my post was meant for the person who does'nt know whats difference b/w mpeg1/2/4.....................

          here somthing from the link u gave ...

          1: - ISO 14496-2 (Video #1), e.g. Advanced Simple Profile (ASP), as followed by XviD, DivX5, 3ivx...

          2: on the contrary still the most popular container format is AVI

          because its natural to compare b/w simlar things im excluding the other ranges the mpeg4 covers thus this part make me correct.

          now bout u say its a successor to mpeg1/2 . no its not cause its not a standard of one product say mpeg, thus its not a succecor.

          hope this clarifies.
          Last edited by atifsh; 14 May 2004, 05:54 PM.
          Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


          • bond_d9
            • Mar 2004
            • 61

            first of all the doom9 sticky is written by me

            but it seems its not totally clear, as otherwise things like the following occur:

            Originally posted by atifsh
            now bout u say its a successor to mpeg1/2 . no its not cause its not a standard of one product say mpeg, thus its not a succecor.
            It should be noted that there is no relation between MPEG/MPEG2 and MPEG
            mpeg never defined "one product", mpeg is a group of scientist which standardize a/v coding tools (and also stuff like container formats, menus aso...)
            therefore mpeg-4 is the direct sucessor to mpeg-1/2

            avi for example is nowhere specified in mpeg-4, the only reason why people place mpeg-4 in avi is virtualdub
            for example its also possible mpeg-1/2 in avi, still noone is so dumb to do this, still for mpeg-4 people do it as the two most popular mpeg-4 codecs (divx5 and xvid) are vfw codecs usable in virtualdub

            also the following statement in your inital post was not correct:
            MPEG4 is a class of codecs used to compress AVI files
            as i said mpeg-4 is not "a class of codecs", its a standard which described how video streams should be encoded to make streams from different codecs interoperable
            and as i said avi is not directly related to the mpeg-4 standard (.mpg or .mp4 would be)


            • atifsh
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • May 2003
              • 1534

              "MPEG4 is a class of codecs used to compress AVI files"

              again i say ...if u dont know would'nt it be easier this way to tell somone the difference. yes i agree my words may not be correct, but do chck the orignal poster. he wants to know the difference b/w mp4 video and mpg video,thus its irrelvent to posts full mpeg4 uses.

              also also i hav a prob with this ....{mpeg never defined "one product",} what i wanted to say is mpeg1 or mpeg2 is a one file standard, i was talking bout the file format, im not talking whats MPEG is.

              thus in my standing..
              MPEG2 file format is a standard likewise MPEG1 was a one file standard. but MPEG4 is not a standard of one thing/one file format.

              thats why i dont think mpeg4 can be a succesor of mpeg1/2.

              also again AVI is the most use container in mpeg4 video, dont say its because of virtual Dub.

              now i want to know if im totaly wrong prefeb... by somone else too.. no offence.....
              Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


              • bond_d9
                • Mar 2004
                • 61

                Originally posted by atifsh
                MPEG2 file format is a standard likewise MPEG1 was a one file standard. but MPEG4 is not a standard of one thing/one file format.

                thats why i dont think mpeg4 can be a succesor of mpeg1/2.
                whats a "one file format"?
                mpeg-4 defines its own file format and thats .mp4

                also again AVI is the most use container in mpeg4 video, dont say its because of virtual Dub.
                of course the only reason why mpeg-4 was always placed in avi right from the beginning was the virtualdub tool

                divx5 and xvid both ship as vfw codecs, which are mainly usable in virtualdub, which itself encodes to .avi


                • Soulhunter
                  Super Member
                  Super Member
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 236

                  Originally posted by atifsh
                  ...what i wanted to say is mpeg1 or mpeg2 is a one file standard, i was talking bout the file format, im not talking whats MPEG is.

                  thus in my standing..
                  MPEG2 file format is a standard likewise MPEG1 was a one file standard. but MPEG4 is not a standard of one thing/one file format.
                  One file standard... What you mean with this ???

                  MPEG1 / MPEG2 is only a stream like MPEG4 (Audio or video -> ie. m1v, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, m2v... etc.) !!!

                  Then you have to put it into a container like (mpg, vob, avi, mkv, mp4... etc.) to get a single file !!!

                  So, m1v + mp2 into mpg container is a single *.mpg file (net downloads)

                  While m2v + ac3 into vob container is a single *.vob file (DVD's)

                  And a m4v + aac into mp4 container is a single *.mp4 file (what we talk about)

                  Originally posted by atifsh
                  thats why i dont think mpeg4 can be a successor of mpeg1/2.
                  But the industry thinks different...

                  Originally posted by atifsh
                  also again AVI is the most use container in mpeg4 video, dont say its because of virtual Dub.
                  If VDub would support mp4 container, I would only use mp4 container...

                  But atm good n' free tools for mp4 work are very rare, so I still use the crappy avi container !!!

                  Last edited by Soulhunter; 16 May 2004, 07:42 AM.

                  Member of E.V.I.L. Corp. 2003 ® - Website in progress...


                  • atifsh
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • May 2003
                    • 1534

                    Originally posted by Soulhunter

                    MPEG1 / MPEG2

                    Its only a stream (Audio or video -> ie. m1v, mpa, mp1, mp2, mp3, m2v... etc.) !!!

                    Then you have to put it into a container like (mpg, vob, avi, mkv, mp4... etc.) to get a single file !!!

                    So, m1v + mp2 into mpg container is a usually *.mpg file (net downloads)

                    While m2v + ac3 into vob container is a usually *.vob file (DVD's)

                    And a m4v + aac into mp4 container is a usually *.mp4 file (what we talk about)
                    tynku i know this...... my prob with bond was different..... i somhow cant agree on the mpeg4 being succesor to mpeg1/2..... rest is ok now....
                    Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


                    • atifsh
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • May 2003
                      • 1534

                      Originally posted by Soulhunter

                      But the industry thinks different... Bye
                      gimmi somtime and i will tooo....hav to read / know more on this...
                      Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!

