Hello all,
My problem is that I have very inconsistent results when playing back my backup copies of DVD's.
I have no trouble at all in using DVD Shrink (a fabulous program) or Nero. The resulting DVD-R's seem to be fine until I try to watch them.
Sometimes a DVD will play back all the way through, no problem. The next time it will begin to pixelate badly and freeze completely during playback.
There is no consistency because other people have no problems with playback of my discs and still others have the same problem that I do. Occasionally they won't play at all on some older DVD players.
There doesn't seem to be a way to determine why some will be OK and some will freeze etc.
Often those that pixelate and freeze will be OK if I switch the DVD player off for a few minutes and turn it back on then skip back to the chapter where it played up. It will often then be OK, though not always.
I realise that his may not (probably not) be an issue with DVD Shrink or Nero, it more than likely is an issue with the player or media I think.
I use Ritek GO4 discs (DVD-R) discs and have a Panasonic HS2 DVD recorder player. There is never a problem with playback on discs that have been recorded on the Panny?
This really is frustrating and I hope someone that has had this experience can put me right and tell me what to do to fix it.
2 Dogs