Jumping towards the end of DVD's

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  • si_harp
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2004
    • 4

    Jumping towards the end of DVD's

    Hi there, bit of a newbie, I’ve just installed DVDshrink (ver Have burnt a couple of DVD’s so far but I’m having problems. The first parts of the films are fine, but towards the end it starts jumping and freezing for a few seconds. The extra features also don’t run, on the PS2 I’m getting a “disk read error.” I’ve tried it on the two drives on the computer and the Playstation2, all have this problem. Windows media player stops responding and Power DVD display an error message saying something like “clean the disk”. I’m burning onto Verbatim DatalifePlus 4X disks. A change of disks might be recommended but my setup is very fussy about media.
    The settings I’m using in DVDShrink are full disk with all the other settings at their default.

    Things tried so far…
    New NVIDIA device drivers,
    New firmware for burner,
    Try deep analysis before burning.
    Shutting down all background tasks.
    Cleaning the lenses and disks.
    Updating Nero 6 (

    Another problem I am having is with my DVD-ROM. Every time I try to run a DVD of some kind my computer stops responding and the disk is not recognised. CD’s run fine, its just DVD’s. So for playing and burning DVD’s I always have to use the NEC burner.
    Any ideas?

    Any help would be very much appreciated, as it seems this utility could be very useful.

    Thanks to anyone who replies.
  • Mig$y
    • Jan 2004
    • 2966

    Hi si_harp

    With regards to the jumping and freezing at the end of your movie try shaving down your output size within the DVD Shrink preferences. I would also first playback your shrunk files to make sure they are ok.

    Verbatim is pretty good media though, this usually happens with poor media. You could also try writing at a slower speed.

    You could also try different media take a look at http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters....&Search=Search for media that is compatible with NEC writers and http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers....arch&#comments for media your PS2 likes. Try and find a happy medium.


    • si_harp
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • May 2004
      • 4

      Thanks a lot for the reply. Looked at all the ripped files on the hard drive and they all run fine. Will try shaving down the output size, about 3.5 Gigabytes do you think could do the job?
      Thanks again Mig$y


      • si_harp
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • May 2004
        • 4

        Just managed to successful burn a DVD using the file size of 3.6Gb and burning at 2X instead of 4X. No jumping or any errors at all. Next I will try 4Gb and see if that’s ok. I guess my burner is having problems burning towards the edge of the disks.

        Thanks again Mig$y, I appreciate you help.


        • Mig$y
          • Jan 2004
          • 2966

          Glad 2 help


          • Weekend
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • May 2004
            • 20

            I just wanted to see if your 4 Gb burn was a success. I was having the same problems you were except i was playing my dvd's on a stand alone dvd player. My dvd would skip and freeze towards the end on one of my dvd players but be fine on another. I checked and both my dvd players are compatible with DVD+R.(which i am using) Could this still mean i'm burning too close to the edge even though it works on one of my stand alone dvd players?

