I would like to make backup copies of some of the DVDs I own so that my son and his friends can watch "clean" versions of otherwise great movies. This is my first visit here so I hope there is someone out there who can help me with something I have wanted to do for a long time now...Thanks in advance - Dad
Can I edit nudity/language from DVDs I own for my son to watch?
Sure. For language use an editor (like ULead Video Studio), plug in a microphone and in the audio dub area substitute a "clean" word that sounds similar to the "dirty" word (that's what the pros do for the TV version). For sex scenes you can either cut them completely out....or use software like VirtualDub, which has filters to either blur or black out an offending body part or two. You have to do some research, but by searching specific topics in this forum you'll run across numerous threads discussing different software and specifics on how to achieve desired results. -
Parental control:
Dont wanna start a flame here, but...
I got all my dirty lingo (damn much btw...) while going to school n' not from watching movies !!!
And the 1st boobs I looked @ while holidays in Spain at the beach n' not in a movie !!!
And this in a country where you can see boobs n' hear dirty lingo all the day in the TV...
Well, that's all true. I remember playing "show and tell" as early as kindergarten on school grounds. And by third grade us kids had developed a good deal of knowledge on the subject...and quite a vocabulary, as well. But as parents we forget those things...and feel the need to impress the neighbors on how we are protecting our kids...Comment
Yeah, thats the problem with todays parents...
Everyone wants to be a "super dad" while forgetting that its more important to be just a dad !!!
Doing all this stuff for the kids, or just for the own conscience...
Only coz the TV, the paper, the politicians, the neighbors, the acquaintances n' mates telling you this ???
Todays brainwashing media is much more bad for kids than "bad words" or boobs...
Someone should censor all this freaking blabla of our politicians !!!
Kid's are gullible, so they would believe every word of a "lie narrator" like Bush...
Ok, I get the feeling its better to stop here !!!
ByeLast edited by Soulhunter; 16 May 2004, 10:08 AM.Comment
Well his kid will shrug his shoulders when he comes to the blurred out part and think, "there's Dad...at it again", and may be embarrassed to show the vid to his friends, lest they become aware of his parents Victorian attitude. But deep down inside he'll appreciate the fact his parents care enough for him that they went to a lot of effort (albeit futile) on his behalf. It's like with dicipline...parents who clearly define the rules and enforce them are appreciated much more than permissive parents who don't give a damn. Maybe not while the dicipline is being meted out...but later in life, becuase it tells the kid that his parents care. It's as Mark Twain said, " When I was a kid I thought my Dad was so stupid. Now that I'm grown up, it's amazing how much he's learned."