"Though I clearly cannot spot the difference between..." - sorry, I'm not a native speaker, so I reword it:
obviously, I cannot tell the difference....
The link I gave earlier describes listening tests of different encoding engine qualities. In doing so, the tester used some specially selected type of sounds and music, where the shortcomings of the different engines are amplified and recognized easier.
I personally can hardly tell the difference between the sound of a canon and a gun.
The way I encode the sound of a movie is by using Azid and Lame, both incorporated in this excellent package called BeSweet, available on both sites, then I just stretch the audio (thus a vbr .mp3) over the video with Nandub.
obviously, I cannot tell the difference....
The link I gave earlier describes listening tests of different encoding engine qualities. In doing so, the tester used some specially selected type of sounds and music, where the shortcomings of the different engines are amplified and recognized easier.
I personally can hardly tell the difference between the sound of a canon and a gun.

The way I encode the sound of a movie is by using Azid and Lame, both incorporated in this excellent package called BeSweet, available on both sites, then I just stretch the audio (thus a vbr .mp3) over the video with Nandub.