Ive been asked to put an 11 min video on to a cd. the video is going to be projected using a windows pc. Ive been told to make an mpeg1 file. is this recomended?
also if Im to make an mpeg 1 file would I use tempeg or media cleaner 5.
I also have another prblem.. I have a pinical dv 300 card with prem5 on win 98. so Im restrected in file size. would I make up 2 avi files and then join them and then make an mpeg file or would I make 2 mpeg files and join them... If so how would I do it?...
Id be very happy if any one can help me.
also if Im to make an mpeg 1 file would I use tempeg or media cleaner 5.
I also have another prblem.. I have a pinical dv 300 card with prem5 on win 98. so Im restrected in file size. would I make up 2 avi files and then join them and then make an mpeg file or would I make 2 mpeg files and join them... If so how would I do it?...
Id be very happy if any one can help me.