Copied DVDs Suddenly stop working after about a month or so.

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  • aquabladez
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 6

    Copied DVDs Suddenly stop working after about a month or so.

    I have copied alot of dvds recently with dvd shrink and they all worked fine on pc/laptop and standalone but then after about a month or 2 i go to watch them again and most of them just say Disc Error, i put them in the pc and laptop and they show the discs as being blank as if they have wiped themselves. my standalone plays dvd-r/+r no prob and is less than a month old so im pretty sure there isnt a prob dvd player side but i could be wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have searched the forums but couldnt find this prob anywhere.

    P.S I also have another strange problem, when i insert a dvd to be copied it loads it up fine and i go to start encoding and it starts encoding a completely different film i havent even seen before. e.g I put in shrek 2 i think, and when i got to encoding it was showing Calitos Way in the video preview and it was definatly reading from the disc and not from files on my comp, not that i even had that film on my harddrive anyway.

    Thx in advance if u can help.
  • lgha
    Digital Video Technician
    Digital Video Technician
    • Mar 2004
    • 466

    " was definatly reading from the disc and not from files on my comp, not that i even had that film on my harddrive anyway.."

    Think about what you're saying here. If you never "had that film" and seeing how DVDShrink does not come with pre-packaged films then it would be logical to assume that the disc was mislabled.

    "..i put them in the pc and laptop and they show the discs as being blank .."

    Do you have friends that like to play jokes? Would they switch disc on you? When you place one of these disc into your PC and click on "My Computer" and then double click on the drive that has the dvd in it what does it say? What brand of disc are you using? You may want to check the burner/player/disc compatibility to see what other have to say:

    for writer compatibility search here:

    and for DVD player compatibility search here:


    • aquabladez
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 6

      the film i put in is the proper film as i had just watched it on my dvd player and when dvd shrink reads it, it says it was shrek 2 but when it starts encoding it just changes sumhow. No1 i know would ever replace them, in fact i dont even think they know i have them. when i put in the disc and double click it, it just keeps trying to load it but gets nowhere and the discs are spotless. i use Swisstec 1x-4x DVD+R and Logik 1x-2x DVD-R, ill check out those sites now.


      • lgha
        Digital Video Technician
        Digital Video Technician
        • Mar 2004
        • 466

        "..the film i put in is the proper film as i had just watched it on my dvd player and when dvd shrink reads it, it says it was shrek 2 but when it starts encoding it just changes sumhow.."

        If I understand you correctly you watch Shrek 2 on your standalone player...take the disc out and put in your PC and DVDShrink encodes "Calitos Way"? In the preview window of DVDShrink what movie is playing while the encoding takes place?


        • aquabladez
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2004
          • 6

          yea thats exactly what happens, the video preview is calitos way.


          • lgha
            Digital Video Technician
            Digital Video Technician
            • Mar 2004
            • 466

            What region is Shrek 2, what part of the world did the Shrek 2 dvd come from?


            • aquabladez
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2004
              • 6

              Its Region 2 but im not sure where it came from as its a m8s film but i think it was US

