Problem w/ Search Feature on this Site

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  • SheCanBuild
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 36

    Problem w/ Search Feature on this Site

    There's a lot of movies that use a number in them (Assault on Precinct 13, Spider-Man 2) and today when I submitted those two movies to the search it comes back with a digital video forums dialog box saying:

    The search term you specified (2) is under the minimum word length (3) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.
    If this term contains a wildcard, please make this term more specific.

    No biggy as far as spiderman2 goes because I got results entering it just like I did above, but if I try searching for the other movie and attach the number to the last word I get nothing.

    Is this a new function of the forum's search or have I just never noticed it before? Any suggestions as to how to search for these kind's of titles?

    p.s. I wasn't really sure where this post should go hope i picked the right spot...

    Thanks a lot,
  • SheCanBuild
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 36

    *I entered Spiderman2 as one word to get results


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      If you just type "Assault on Precinct" (and omit the 13), you'll get a valid search...


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        Yes, this is a limitation of the forum software, because the database holds the keywords, and if you don't limit the minimum length of allowable keywords, the database will get very big very quickly and slow down all searches.

        I could make it so that you no longer get that error message (about the minimum length of the keyword), but that would just mean that the keyword will be ignored by the search anyway, so you get the same results as searching for "Spider-man".
        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • SheCanBuild
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2005
          • 36

          OK I see, that makes sense! overgrown data bases will slow down your search, and i dont gotta worry bout the dam numbers anyway lol...i'll just shutup now! my bad sorry to pester this board

          thanks for the help you two,


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            "thanks for the help you two"

            My (Our) pleasure ;>}

