Help...decrypt takes about 15 mins to read to computer..then shrink takes about 1 and half hours to encode, but the final burn only takes about 15 mins.. why is the encoding so slow..
slow encoding
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To jess russell
"why is the encoding so slow..."
1) Encoding is FAR more complex than both ripping to your hard drive and burning
2) The total encoding time required by DVD Shrink will vary widely, depending upon whether you've selected "AEC" and/or "Deep Analysis"
3) Encoding time also depends upon the power of your system. What are the specifications of your system (CPU speed, amount of memory, etc.)Last edited by setarip; 31 May 2005, 03:42 AM.Comment
"have a dell 2.4 with 512 memory.."
Again, the total encoding time required by DVD Shrink will vary widely, depending upon whether you've selected "AEC" and/or "Deep Analysis".
I'd speculate that, depending upon whether you've selected "AEC" and/or "Deep Analysis", your encoding time will range from about 15 minutes to perhaps 50 minutes...Comment
The more I learn the dumber I get... I just tried to shrink Indiana jones and the lost ark and with no compression set there was over 7 gbs, and the analysis went in about 10 mins.. but it was too large to burn.. do I manual set the compression to 4.5 or 4.7 and then start backup? of course this is where you get into tshe very slow process of the analysis..Comment
You should be using version 3.2xxx of DVD Shrink, which AUTOMATICALLY sets the needed compression - unless you've changed the "Compression settings" to something other than "Automatic" (e.g. "No Compression", "Custom ratio", etc.)
Old Pennsylvania Dutch saying, "The faster I run, the behinder I get" ;>}Comment