sound lag. very unusual

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  • jefflang007
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 30

    sound lag. very unusual

    I have The latest NERO and have been burning my TV shows for over a year, with no issues. They are always perfect until this week when the last 3 disks I have burnt have had sound issues. The sound gets out of sync very early into it and worsens by the end, being almost 2 seconds out.

    I have changed no settings nor have I altered the way I burn. Smart encoding is not enabled.

    The file format that I am usually burning is AVI.

    The files play fine in all my media players with NO sound errors. The error is not occurring until the disk is burnt. And for interest sake this error occurs when played on my PC and my DVD player.

    I even tried re burning a file that was successful before and now the error id there. my DMA is on.

    Here’s hoping you are able to offer a suggestion or two as to what this new, extremely annoying problem is.

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "The file format that I am usually burning is AVI."

    1) Load one of the original .AVI video files into VirtualDub (or one of its many variants) or NanDub

    2) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "File Information"

    3) Post (here) EVERYTHING you see (BOTH video and audio information), or post a screen capture .jpg of the information box

    Did you create the .AVI?

    Are you converting the .AVI file to DVD format, or simply burning the .AVI file directly onto a DVD?

    If you're converting the .AVI file to DVD format, what software and procedures did you use?


    • jefflang007
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2005
      • 30

      no i didn't create the avi they are all downloaded.

      I am burning to standard VCD. I never convert the file as i have never had to, that fact that up until the other day the problem occurred and this has been proven the fact that something that once burnt ok now has this problem when re-burnt.

      Thanks set a rip, you have no idea how thankful I am for your assistance.

      Attached Files


      • jefflang007
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2005
        • 30

        For interst sake I just tried burning to DVD and the same problem occurred.......if I was to insert message icon. trust me it would be crying!



        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          "I am burning to standard VCD. I never convert the file"

          Whether you realize it or not, the software you are using to create the VCD IS converting the .AVI to MPEG-1 VideoCD format'

          Although I can't be sure (because the version of VirtualDub you used to present the "File Information" doesn't provide the same information as older versions do), I'm fairly certain that, since it's an XviD-compressed video, the .MP3 audiostream is a "VBR" (Variable Bitrate) audiostream, which gives most conversion programs problems.

          Try the following:

          Using VirtualDubMOD to Convert "VBR" .MP3 to Uncompressed .WAV

          1) Load the .AVI file into VirtualDubMOD (a different program than the standard VirtualDub)

          2) From the "Video" dropdown menu, select "Direct Stream Copy"

          3) From the "Streams" dropdown menu, select "Stream List" - and rightclick on the audio stream, then select "Full Processing Mode" - then click on "OK". Rightclick on the audiostream again, then select "Compression" and make certain it is set to "No compression (PCM)"

          4) From the "File" dropdown menu, save .AVI with a new filename

          Be wary of highly opinionated and oft'times unsubstantiated statements made in response to your questions at these forums...


          • jefflang007
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2005
            • 30

            Just tried your suggestion. the sound sync was worse.

            I recently upgraded to the latst nero, could this have effected the burning process?


            again, the files play just fine before burning.

            this is so frustrating!


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              You might want to try this alternate procedure with the newly created (.WAV audiostream) .AVI:

              To create a VCD:

              1) Load .AVI file into TMPGEnc
              2) Set to "System Video and Audio" (lower right side)
              3) Click on "Setting" radio button
              4) Click on "System" tab, change mode to "MPEG1-VideoCD" (from default of "MPEG1")
              5) Click on "Advanced" tab, change "Video arrange method" to "Center (Custom Size"), change dimensions to 352x288 or 352x240
              6) Change "Source aspect ratio" to either "4:3 525 line (NTSC 704x480)", "4:3 525 line (NTSC)", or "16:9 525 line (NTSC)" - If you're in the PAL world choose either of the two similar PAL settings instead
              7) Under the "Video" tab, change the dimensions to 352x288 or 352x240 (Note: "Video" tab mode of "MPEG1" is okay) - set "Motion Search Precision" to "Normal Quality". Change the "Aspect Ratio" to match, as closely as possible, the "Source Aspect Ratio" you set under the "Advanced" tab.
              8) Change "Rate Control Mode" to "Automatic VBR (CQ_VBR)" and "Bitrate" to "1,150"
              9) Under the "Audio" tab, set to "MPEG-1 Layer II", 44,100 224Kbps
              10) Press "Start"

              (Or, instead of the steps 1)-10) above, you could attempt to use TMPGEnc's VCD "wizard"/template)

              Note that if your video runs longer than 70-80 minutes, you'll have to subsequently split your VCD-MPG file in two. This too can be easily and precisely accomplished using TMPGEnc. Under the "Files" dropdown menu, click on "MPEG Tools" and select the "Merge & Cut" tab. Once again, make sure to change the mode to "MPEG1-Video CD". Load your file and enter a new (.MPG) name in the "Output file" box. Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL file's name in the window, which will bring you to the cutting area. Select your desired start and end points for the first half, click on "Okay" which will bring you back to the first window and generate (in a sequence of three automated steps) the first new file. To create the second new file, repeat the steps starting with "Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL..." (be extra patient with the second half, as the program has to do more seeking to establish the beginning of the new file).

              Use a burning program, such as NERO to burn your CD-R or R/W CD as a VCD (DON'T ask NERO to format the file as a VCD, since you've already accomplished this!)

              Let us know of your success ;>}
              Last edited by setarip; 4 Jun 2005, 09:54 AM.


              • jefflang007
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2005
                • 30

                mate gave that a go and there was no sound at all. I'll try the wizard and let you know in the morning.

                Cheers. J

                Problem aside mate, why would this problem have set in all of a sudden?


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  "mate gave that a go and there was no sound at all."

                  Did you remember to use the NEW .AVI file, that has an Uncompressed PCM (.WAV) audiostream and NOT your original .AVI?

                  Be wary of highly opinionated and often unsubstantiated statements made in response to your questions at these forums...


                  • jefflang007
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2005
                    • 30

                    as far as "the NEW.avi file" do you mean one that was downloaded and not tampered with or converted in any way?

                    or the one done in virtualdub..considering that was hugely out of sync.

                    if no to both where does this "New .avi" come from?

                    Sorry to be an absolute non-tecno-geek.

                    And I say once again tanks for your help and patience. If you lived near by, there would be a carton of beer on your doorstep about now.


                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      "the one done in virtualdub..considering that was hugely out of sync."

                      If you followed the instructions I provided, and used VirtualDubMOD (NOT standard VirtualDub), there is no reason that the NEW .AVI (incorporating a .WAV audiostream) should be out of synch - Unless, of course, your original .AVI WAS out of synch and you didn't notice it...

                      "If you lived near by, there would be a carton of beer on your doorstep about now."

                      It's the thought that counts thanks ;>}


                      • jefflang007
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Apr 2005
                        • 30

                        Well Setarip. I tried a program i forgot i had tucked in the depths of my PC called winavi converter. the file it created worked without fail. Hmmm I thought still not happy with why the problem occurred in the first place so I unistalled the latest Nero update and reinstalled nero 6..... SWEET it all works again without converting. Out with the new in with the old. Go figure!

                        Thanks again mate, you helped me on a journey of "process of elimination."


                        • setarip
                          • Dec 2001
                          • 24955

                          "Thanks again mate, you helped me on a journey of 'process of elimination.'"

                          Glad to hear you've resolved your dilemma ;>}

                          If you have more questions, always feel free to ask them...

                          June 05, 2005 Saying for the day: "Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow"...

