Avi Files, codecs and coverting them for Archos

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  • Voodoo666
    • Oct 2003
    • 52

    Avi Files, codecs and coverting them for Archos

    I have a whole load of AVI files that I would like to convert to MPeg4 for watching on my Archos av400, but I think the audio codecs are a bit screwed up...

    I have been following the Archos web site instructions for coverting:-

    But when I try and start I get a Virtual Dub error...

    cannot open file "job.avs":
    The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.

    Although I have set all the source / destination files correctly.

    On a side note, when I check the file independentlywith Virtual dub I get another box (which I kind of suspected I would, as I had trouble with my codecs when I tried to run the files on my computer) saying:-

    VBR audio Stream detected
    Vitual Dub has dected an improper VBR audio encoding in the source avi file and will rewrite the audio header with CBR values during processing for better compatibility. This may introduce up to a 5709 ms of skew from teh video stream. If this unacceptable, decompress the 'entire' audio stream to an uncompressed wav file and recompress with a constant bitrate encoder (bitrate 132.4+/-19.3kbs)

    Does this mean I have to encode the file one way before encoding it to MPEG4 for the archos, or is there a way to get round this problem and go straight to archos format?

    If I have to do an encode first, can you let me know how to do it (I have totally forgotten...as I do remember using VDUB for this purpose before)

    Sorry for the long winded explanation.

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Using VirtualDubMOD to Convert "VBR" .MP3 to Uncompressed .WAV

    1) Load the .AVI file into VirtualDubMOD (a different program than the standard VirtualDub)

    2) From the "Video" dropdown menu, select "Direct Stream Copy"

    3) From the "Streams" dropdown menu, select "Stream List" - and rightclick on the audio stream, then select "Full Processing Mode" - then click on "OK". Rightclick on the audiostream again, then select "Compression" and make certain it is set to "No compression (PCM)"

    4) From the "File" dropdown menu, save .AVI with a new filename


    • Voodoo666
      • Oct 2003
      • 52

      Thanks for that...

      Virtual Dub Mod has cleared up the Virtual Dub error message,
      But it is still not letting me convert to MPEG4 Using the MPG4 Translator for Archos?

      I am still getting the same error message when I try and start that


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "Thanks for that..."

        My pleasure ;>}


        • Voodoo666
          • Oct 2003
          • 52

          'My pleasure ;>}'

          Much appreciated...

          But any idea why my mpeg4 conversions are failing???


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            "But any idea why my mpeg4 conversions are failing???"

            I know nothing about the procedures you are using. The only thing I can see in your posting that appears to be the cause of your remaining difficulty is,

            "cannot open file "job.avs":
            The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect."


            • Voodoo666
              • Oct 2003
              • 52

              Sorry I thought it would be easier to included the link to the archos website rather than print out all the text, however, the with the explanation below, which I have followed

              How do I use the Archos MPEG4 Translation Software (MP4SP)?
              A: In order to use MP4SP, it is required that you have the DivX codec installed on your computer. When you first start the MP4SP software, it will check your computer for the DivX codec. If it not detected the software will not run, instead it will offer to take you to the DivX.com Website, where you can download the codec.

              There are 3 versions of the codec 5.02. available, if you download the basic free version, several of the features of the codec will be dabbled (not recommend). Next we have the free PRO version with 'AdWare' (you decide), or the PRO version without the 'AdWare' ($30.00 USD at time of this writing and the version we recommend).

              Once you have downloaded and installed the DivX codec you are ready to convert your first AVI. These files can be found all over the Internet, or can be produced from different sources.

              MP4SP is straight forward and easy to use:
              1. Open the MP4SP software.
              2. Select your source file. MP4SP will only convert AVI files (files with an extension of .AVI)
              3. Set the destination and name for the converted file to be saved to.
              4. You can accept the default settings or you can change the encoder setting by clicking the 'Change Settings' button. Please note the Bitrate Setting Guide, use this as a guide for quality and size of the file you will create.
              5. Click the 'Change Settings' button.
              6. Variable Bitrate mode MUST be set to 1-pass (simple profile). You may adjust the Encoding bitrate from 300 to 1200, using the bitrate guide in MP4SP. Click OK to close the codec properties window and return to MP4SP.
              7. The 'Start' button will be available, click to begin the conversion process. You will see VirtualDub start up and begin to convert you file.
              8. After the conversion is finished, copy the the converted file to you Jukebox Multimediaâ„¢ and play it.

              However it doesn't, I get the Virtual Dub error that you copied....

              The full link is:- http://www.archos.com/support/faq/f...y2 34ojbosccyj

              Any thoughts?


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                "Any thoughts?"

                Nope, not from me.

                Perhaps another poster (or perhaps if you re-post in the DivX sub-forum here) can provide some insight...

