I shrunk a movie using dvd shrink 2.3 and put it into a folder I created called dvds then I put the movie onto a blank dvd.When I started I had 77 gb on my hard drive the movie was 4.3 gb I then deleted the dvds folder and checked my hard drive,I had 75gb. What happened to the other 2 gbs where did they go? Thank You for any assistance. PS I also went into Nero imported video and deleted what was in there.
missing/lost giga bites
Well, could be lots of things, which are not necessarily related to the burn process;
Try this for starter:
1. Run Scan Disk (I'm assuming you're using MS Windows) to fix any file-system issues - Could be that the 2 GB are reported occupied by the file-system but should have been released.
2. Search the disk for files larger than 500MB and not older than the day you burned the disk. -
check the recycle bin and if using norton the files are probably protected and you will have to open norton protected and delete themComment
You could try doing a search for all files and specify a date range (it's in the advanced options) for the day you created the DVD, it might be a bunch of little ones that add up 2GB maybe.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
Oh, dude, forgot to ask- Do you have eMule or other file sharing app running in the background ?
If so - it could be that the app created large files for download in progress (legal shiit, of course), or better yet - file download is complete, and you have (legally obtained) movies/music/software in the "complete" folder.
temp "in progress" and "completed" downloads can easily mount up to 2GB and more..Last edited by shulthise; 5 Aug 2005, 03:27 AM.Comment
check how large your "temp" folder is at: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
(replace "Adminstrator" with your windows account username) it is safe to delete these files
and, as mentioned above, file sharing programs such as emule create files on your hard disk at the full size as the files you are downloading, even if they are not yet complete...Comment