Adobe Audition Loading large Files Problem!

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  • Shnazzy
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2005
    • 2

    Adobe Audition Loading large Files Problem!

    I recently recorded a live radio broadcast using Adobe Audition 1.5 and it ended up being 4gb in size and 46:36 minutes long, It was redorded at 192 sample rate to get full clarity and could only be saved out in .aif format which was the only format that I bumped into that supported these settings, also I used a line in aux cable to record it from the radio. After I saved it out, I wanted to remove each song separately into 44 sample rate .mp3's but the problem occurs when I reload this 4gb file, Audition only pulls out 9:53 minutes out of the total 46 minutes. This was another problem, for some reason Audition only records till 46:36 minutes and then cuts and I have to start a new file and begin recording again putting a cut in the current song.

    Please Help!