My PlextorPX-740A was working fine , and burned DVD with no prob, now after it burn the disc, it says device control FSCTL- lock volume, device 3.0.0 pLextor DVD r D
ATA) failed, unable to lock volume for exclusive access reason the handle is invalid.
it says create file failed,device "\\:\ cdrom), reason the volume for a file has been externally altered so thet the open file is no longer valid,
Can someone tell me what is the prob and how to rectify it as i have had no prob using up till lastnight
Windows xp
it says create file failed,device "\\:\ cdrom), reason the volume for a file has been externally altered so thet the open file is no longer valid,
Can someone tell me what is the prob and how to rectify it as i have had no prob using up till lastnight
Windows xp