I have rendered 8 QuickTime movies, which work OK when played in QuickTime 5.02. When I play these with Director 8.5, 8 renders out of 4 crash on Dell laptops and Dell workstations. These same movies work fine on all other laptops and workstations.
The movies were rendered from After Effect 5, both Sorenson 2 & 3 codecs, 600x256 pixels, 25 frames per second, data rate of 110, and key frames every 75.
Has anyone experienced this issue with Dell before? Is there a solution to get these working on Dell computers?
The movies were rendered from After Effect 5, both Sorenson 2 & 3 codecs, 600x256 pixels, 25 frames per second, data rate of 110, and key frames every 75.
Has anyone experienced this issue with Dell before? Is there a solution to get these working on Dell computers?
