(not free)
How It Works
This program uses steganography, which is the science of writing a hidden message which is undetectable and indecipherable to all except the intended recipient. In this case, the message is hidden inside an sound file. More specifically, message is hidden in the lower 8 bits (1 byte) of a 16-bit AIFF file. An AIFF file uses a sequence of numbers to represent sound waves. When the lower byte is replaced by a secret message, the resulting sound waves are almost indistinguishable from the original.
all satanic groups will get it.
How It Works
This program uses steganography, which is the science of writing a hidden message which is undetectable and indecipherable to all except the intended recipient. In this case, the message is hidden inside an sound file. More specifically, message is hidden in the lower 8 bits (1 byte) of a 16-bit AIFF file. An AIFF file uses a sequence of numbers to represent sound waves. When the lower byte is replaced by a secret message, the resulting sound waves are almost indistinguishable from the original.

all satanic groups will get it.
