Video Capture ?

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  • caddog
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2002
    • 4

    Video Capture ?

    I am trying to capture video that I have shot on my analog video camera. I bought the Dazzle* Digital Video Creator 80 to input into the computer. A home version of MGI VideoWave 4 cme with the Dazzle*. When I set up to capture the video, all I can get out of the capture is 352x288. When I covert this to an mpeg the biggest I can get is the same 352x288. The picture that I get on the tv is horrible. It looks just like the windows media player when you stretch the screen bigger. I don't think the problem is my video, It looks beautiful when I connect the camera straight to the tv. Where is my bottleneck? Is it the analog video. Is it the Dazzle unit or can it be the watered down version of Videowave. If I was to but a new Sony camera that has the firewire would that allow me to capture at a greater resolution?

    Thank you for any help in getting me straightened out.
    Last edited by caddog; 9 Apr 2002, 07:24 AM.
  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    Try capturing in Virtualdub visit guides for detailed information. Captuer uncompressed avi (requires a lot of space) unless you have a really fast cpu.


    • caddog
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2002
      • 4

      Hey batman,
      Thanks for the post. I used virtualdub to rip the audio. But I can't get it to recognize the dazzle capture device. Any Ideas. I am running a 900 mhz box with 1 gig of ram running win 2000.

      Thank you for your help.


      • Batman
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2002
        • 2317

        Great machine

        Try to see if its recognized in device manager, upgrade to the latest drivers and version of Virtualdub.


        • caddog
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2002
          • 4

          Does virtualdub only do digital capture or will it do analog also. My machine sees the dazzle as a composite usb device. Photoshop sees it. Mgi videowave which came with it sees it. Premiere does not see it, and neither does virtualdub.

          thanks again.


          • Batman
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Jan 2002
            • 2317

            VD shouldn't have a problem recognzing the USB device. In Videowaave, for higher resolution is it possible to capture an mpeg 2 format? If so, do that. Search the help section you should be able to change the resolution. Check this out:

            Open the Options window and change the resolution

            While inside MGI VideoWave SE+:

            A.Click the Start button

            B.Select Options

            C.Click the Preview tab

            Once in the Preview tab window, there will be an option to change size. This option has a
            dropdown box where you can change the resolution size. The image below shows the resolution
            size set at 160x120.

            Try different resolution options to find the one that will correct the scrambled video problem on
            your system. When you change the resolution size, it should only effect the size of the viewing
            window and not the size of the actual produced video. An image of the viewing window is shown

            STEP THREE - Change the capture quality

            Open the Options window again and click on the Production Goal tab. Once inside the Production
            Goal tab window, there is an option to change the video quality as shown in the image below.

            The video quality is set at good in the image above. You can change your video quality to either
            Good or Basic to help correct the scrambled video problem.

            Also visit this website

            Do a search at as well.

            Hope this helps
            Last edited by Batman; 12 Apr 2002, 02:20 PM.


            • VideoGuru
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2002
              • 1

              When the drivers "connect" the DVC-80 RED light will become very bright.

              First, in the Device Manager: click on each driver below and click "Remove".

              The THREE DVC-80 Drivers should be observed as follows:

              Click on Start, Settings / Control Panel and click on
              the "System" icon.
              Click on the Device Manager:

              This is the Dazzle DVC-80 USB driver.

              Under the "Universal Bus Controller" category, you should see:
              "USB Composite Device"

              This is the Dazzle DVC-80 video driver.
              Under the "Imaging Devices" category, you should see:
              "Dazzle DVC 80 (2)"

              This is the Dazzle DVC-80 audio driver.
              Under the "Sound, video and game controller" category, you should see:
              "Dazzle DVC 80 Audio(2)"

              If you see the drivers under any other category like "Other Devices",
              Click on the "offending" driver and click "Remove".

              Install the DVC-80 drivers again:

              *Unplug the DVC-80 USB connection (no need to reboot computer)

              Insert the DVC-80 install CD.
              Attach the DVC-80 USB connection.
              The DVC-80 light will be dim.

              When the Windows hardware wizard starts,
              it must say it is searching
              for the "USB Composite Device". Click Next.
              Click the "Search for best driver..." choice. Click Next.
              In the next window, uncheck all except "Specify a location".

              Browse to the CD drive:

              Choose *:\Dazzle DVC 80 drivers 2.21 folder

              The Windows hardware wizard will pop up again. Click "Next"
              The Dazzle DVC 80 Audio (2) driver will be indicated under
              "Location of Driver"

              *:\Dazzle~7.21\NUVAUD2.INF Click "Next", then Finish.

              The Windows hardware wizard will pop up again. Click Next
              The Dazzle DVC 80 (2) driver will be indicated under
              "Location of Driver"
              *:\Dazzle~7.21\NUVVID2.INF Click Next, then Finish.

              Check the Device Manager again to see the Dazzle
              drivers listed above under the correct device category.

              Check the DVC-80 operation:

              Attach a video and sound source to the DVC-80 and start it playing.
              Use the composite video cable

              Open the MGI Video Wave program.

              Click the "Capture" icon on the left side of the MGI window.
              The red light on the DVC-80 hardware should become very bright.

              Click the "Settings" button at the bottom right corner of the MGI window.
              Click the "Source" tab.

              -Capture Device : DVC 80 Video Capture (2)
              -Input: Video Composite (assumes using the YELLOW jack on the DVC-80)
              -Channel: grayed out
              -Standard: NTSC-M

              -Capture Device: DVC 80 16k 16bit Audio(2)
              -Add checkmark to Enable CD Control".
              -For now, UN-check "Auto-start CD During Capture".

              Click the "Video Template" tab.
              If no video template is listed, click the Create button and make one up.
              Enter any name.
              **The video options should be already set up, so no need to change them.
              Click "OK".
              The video template name appears.
              It is not necessary to make an audio template.
              Click the "OK" button on the Settings window.

              Now you should see the preview video.
              And the "Start Capture" buttons will become active.
              In MGI, an active button has white letters,
              an inactive button has gray letters.

              Click the "Video + Audio" button.
              A capture should begin. The time and frame number should increase.

              While recording, there is no audio preview.

              After 20 seconds or so, stop the recording.
              A new thumbnail should appear in the video library area.
              Double click the new thumbnail.
              The first frame of the movie will appear in the preview screen.
              Click the Play button below the preview screen.
              You should get video and sound playback.

              Optimize the USB port.

              Shutdown Windows and start the BIOS setup program.
              Search the "Integrated Perpherals" or "Input/Outpur" or "PCI Plug-n-Play"
              menus for the following USB port features.
              NOTE: Not all features are listed in every computer's BIOS setup program.

              -USB port is "enabled" in the BIOS setup program.
              -USB port hardware can be turned ON (enabled) or OFF (disabled)

              ***After the USB port is enabled, more USB choices should appear:

              -USB keyboard support is "enabled" in the BIOS program.
              -USB Legacy support is "enabled" in the BIOS program.
              -USB IRQ usage assignment is enabled.
              - "USB Error Reporting Enabled" is "disabled" in the BIOS program.

              DISABLE background programs in Windows:

              -Click "Start"
              -Click "Run"
              -Type: msconfig
              -Click "OK"
              -Choose "selective startup"
              -Uncheck "Load Startup Items"
              -Click "Apply"
              -Click "OK"

              --Abondon hard disk compression --

              --Abondon hard disk mirror schemes --
              The operate in the background to duplicate data
              on another hard disk on the fly, all requiring excessive CPU time
              to manage the other hard disk.
              Hard disk mirror slows down hard disk access

              Lets check MGI VideoWave's settings: Checking MGI: Check the Video Wave settings

              Attach a video and sound source to the DVC-80 and start it playing.
              Use the composite video cable (yellow plugs) (we can switch to S-Video later).

              Open the MGI Video Wave program.
              Click the "Capture" icon on the left side of the MGI window.
              The RED light on the DVC-80 hardware should become very bright.

              If the Capture step makes an error, the hardware drivers may not be
              correctly installed and the following steps will not work.

              Click the "Settings" button at the bottom right corner of the MGI window.
              Click the "Source" tab.

              If necessary, set the following items.

              In the left "Video" part of the window:
              + Capture Device : DVC 80 Video Capture (2)
              + Input: Video Composite (assumes using the YELLOW jack on the DVC-80)
              + Channel: grayed out
              + Standard: NTSC-M

              ==>This is the KEY==>In the right side "Audio" part of the window,
              check/change the following:
              + Capture Device: DVC 80 16k 16bit Audio(2) <==This is the key<==
              + Add checkmark to "Enable CD Control".
              + For now, UN-check "Auto-start CD During Capture".

              Click the "Video Template" tab.
              If no video template is listed, click the Create button and make one up.
              Enter any name.
              The video options should be already set up, so no need to change them.
              Click OK.
              The video template name appears.
              It is not necessary to make an audio template.
              Click the OK button on the Settings window.

              By now you should see the preview video.
              And the "Start Capture" buttons will become active.
              In MGI, an active button has white letters,
              an inactive button has gray letters.

              Click the "Video + Audio" button.
              A capture should begin. The time and frame number should increase.

              While recording, there is no audio preview.

              After 20 seconds or so, stop the recording.
              A new thumbnail should appear in the video library area.
              Double click the new thumbnail.
              The first frame of the movie will appear in the preview screen.
              Click the Play button [ |> ] below the preview screen.
              You should get video and sound playback.


              • Batman
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Jan 2002
                • 2317

                Wow You know what you're doing!


                • joan_fl
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2002
                  • 16

                  i have DVC II and i dont believe the Dazzle stuff is compatible with DirectShow.. Not sure about DVC 80.


                  • onerose
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 96

                    thats a lot of shit for a dam dazzel box, do your self a favor get a pinnical dv200 or pro one for the money it will save you time and brain power trying to figur that mother *&@#ing dazzle box out i have pinnical 500dv and within 15 minutes i was up and running


                    • joan_fl
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2002
                      • 16

                      thats a lot of shit for a dam dazzel box, do your self a favor get a pinnical dv200 or pro one for the money it will save you time and brain power trying to figur that mother *&@#ing dazzle box out i have pinnical 500dv and within 15 minutes i was up and running
                      WOW didnt mean to upset you.


                      • onerose
                        • Nov 2001
                        • 96

                        no harm/no foul joan_fl thats just to much stuff for a enexpenive capture box the setup heakack is not worth the dollars it cost


                        • joan_fl
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jun 2002
                          • 16

                          thats just to much stuff for a enexpenive capture box the setup heakack is not worth the dollars it cost
                          I personally like it, but to each their own.


                          • jasonsn
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2004
                            • 12

                            Hey Everyone! On Wednesday, February 18, 2004 I received a Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80 from my parents for my birthday. How do I get a my computer Dazzle icon showing? The disc/cd I received with my Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80 was Pinnacle Studio Quickstart. Is this the right cd that everyone else has received? This is the only cd that I received with my Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80. Do I need a different cd to get a my computer Dazzle icon showing? Can someone please send me the Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80 disc in a zip file with a serial # so I can install the proper software. Thanks for your time.

                            Jason Neskar


                            • joan_fl
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Jun 2002
                              • 16

                              You'll want to go here to download what you need for your DVC 80

                              Choose Pinnacle Studio 25 for its powerful and precise video editing tools that inspire limitless creative opportunities for advanced moviemaking. Learn more!

