Don't belive what i say here - TRY and tell me

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  • eroarea
    • Jan 2006
    • 1

    Don't belive what i say here - TRY and tell me

    Today, I'm honored to announce the release of what is,
    perhaps, the most informative, shocking, and inspiring
    Corey Rudl audio recording of all time.

    For 150 minutes (and 29 seconds) you will be a fly on the
    wall as the two "GREAT LEGENDS" of Internet marketing and
    direct marketing -- Corey and the outrageous Dan Kennedy
    -- discuss...

    How you can make MILLIONS of dollars using the
    Internet teamed up with direct mail, radio, TV,
    classified ads, Yellow Page ads, infomercials,
    and MORE!

    You'll hear Corey reveal how he made over $40 Million in
    Internet sales and taught 1,000's of "real people" how to
    make massive incomes of $100,000.00 to $2.5 MILLION (or
    more!) per year with the Internet...
    You'll hear Dan Kennedy, the legendary GOD of direct
    (offline) marketing, talk about how he's made hundreds of
    MILLIONS of dollars for his clients, including companies
    like Amway and the $200-million-per-year Gunthy-Renker

    But BEST OF ALL, you'll hear these Millionaire Marketing
    Geniuses reveal "advanced" profit secrets that -- until now
    -- were reserved for their "inner circle" of close, personal

    For example, you'll hear the AMAZING true story of two guys
    who sold almost IDENTICAL products, with the SAME offer, to
    the SAME audience -- yet one guy made $2 Million MORE... all
    thanks to just one simple strategy!
    PLUS, you'll learn which 2 blockbuster marketing ideas Corey
    got from Dan that made him over $100,000 in profits (that's
    cash in hand!) -- in less than 24 months!
    ... And that's just for starters!

    You quite simply won't find a recorded interview like this
    -- anywhere.
    A brainstorming session between two marketing geniuses of
    this caliber has NEVER been recorded before. And that's why,
    since I know this recording was priceless before Corey
    passed away, I can't even guess its value now.

    To start listening to this 150-minute audio recording right
    away, please visit:
    I hope you enjoy it...
    P.S. If you act quickly, you'll also get a FREE COPY of
    Corey Rudl's biography, valued at $57.49 but yours free!
    To start listening now, visit:
    Last edited by cynthia; 13 Jan 2006, 02:26 PM.
  • uufta
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Dec 2005
    • 635

    Who Let This Cracker In???
    Last edited by uufta; 13 Jan 2006, 10:41 AM.


    • LT. Columbo
      Demigod of Digital Video
      • Nov 2004
      • 10671

      i think we need tighter security

      Today, I'm honored to announce the release of what is,
      perhaps, the most informative, shocking, and inspiring
      Corey Rudl audio recording of all time.
      i don't know who this corey rudl is, and i bet 99% of humanity don't either....but i for one hate him already!

      this thread will be locked soon i'm sure
      "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
      Columbo moments...
      "Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
      "You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
      (An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)


      • Derree
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Jul 2005
        • 546

        OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! I'm gonna be rich!! Rich I tells ya Rich.. I will buy and sell you suckers...oh wait...this is a scam...dammit...

        Turn down the suck...Turn up the


        • drfsupercenter
          NOT an online superstore
          • Oct 2005
          • 4424

          LMAO!!! Ahem blutach!
          CYA Later:

          Visit my website!!

          Cool Characters Make your text cool
          My DVD Collection

