I have a number of AVI files and I want to join them. I have Virtural Dub but it keeps telling me the "sampling rates are different." Does anyone have a solution for this problem? Is there a way to join these AVI files?
Joinging AVI Formatted Files
To join .AVI files in VirtualDub, both video and audio have to be identical. The message of differing sample rates (NOT different framerates) indicates that the audio streams are different. If the message did not state which rates were used, do the following:
1) Load the first file into VirtualDub
2) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "File Information"
3) Note the audio codec, frequency, and sampling rate used (for MP3 formats, it will understate the rate by 1. For example, a rate of 128Kbps will appear as 127Kbps).
4) Close the first file
5) Load the second file
6) Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying"
7) Set "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode"
8) Under the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Conversion". If need be change the frequency to match that of the first file
9) Under the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Compression". If the right side pane is blank, put a checkmark in "Show all formats". Select the same codec, frequency, and sampling rate as that of the first file.
10) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" and enter a new filename for the modified file.
11) Close VirtualDub (as a precaution)
12) Open VirtualDub
13) Load the first file and append the modified second file.Save the joined file
Let us know of your success ;>}Comment
File Information
The file information that appears in the two files is attached. I couldn't find anything which referred to the audio codec and frequency. Please let me know what it is I'm looking at.
I can only attach one file at a time. The second file is coming next.Attached FilesComment
same problem here
i tried to join my two avi-files using PecksPowerJoin, which abortet the progress after a few seconds. now i tried it with vDub 1.4.7
i got the same error as dewey, but it keeps saying me that "The audio streams have different sampling rates: 15998.000000 vs. 15999.0000000"
@setarip, the file information doesen't say anything about the sample rate
and in the audio dropdown menu there's no "conversion" possibility (unless u might have a different vdub version)
need backupComment
To Dewey Pasquini
Have you been able to successfully play these two .AVI files and HEAR the audio?
Unless I'm misinterpreting something, the number of audio frames (only 15) for each of these 30 second-long files is probably indicative of non-existent or corrupt audiostreams.
Have you attempted to use the procedure I detailed for you?Comment
To asphaltsurfer
As I posted previously:
7) Set "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode"
8) Under the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Conversion". If need be change the frequency to match that of the first file
I am not aware of ANY version of VirtualDub that doesn't have this menu choice...Comment
Setarip - I followed the steps
I followed the steps you suggested. I attached two screen shot images that showed the information from each of the avi files in a previous addition to this thread. See previous attachments. Maybe you could let me know what it all means.
I couldn't find the audio codec or frequency. Could you look at the two samples and see what I'm missing. The information may be there but I didn't know how to interpret it.
I was able to play both videos and they had sound. They work fine by themselves but can't be joined.
I will admit that I didn't save the second file because I didn't know what numbers in the information file meant.
Do you have any idea why it's more difficult to join avi files than mpg files?
When I tried to append the two files before I joined this thread, I got a similar error to what asphaltsurfer got. The sampling rates were off by just a bit.
Appreciate your help.Comment
I've included some minor modifications here to my original post. If you follow these instructions TO THE LETTER, there is no way the audiostreams of the two files cannot be IDENTICAL:
1) Load the first file into VirtualDub
2) Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying"
3) Set "Audio" to "Full Processing Mode"
4) Under the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Compression", choose an MP3 (MPEG Layer3) MONO 8,000 setting of your liking
5) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" and enter a new filename for the modified file.
6) Load the second file
7) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "Save as AVI" and enter a new filename for the modified file.
8) Close VirtualDub (as a precaution)
9) Open VirtualDub
10) Load the modified first file and append the modified second file.Save the joined file.Last edited by setarip; 17 Apr 2002, 10:51 AM.Comment
"What do you think?"
I think you're going through an awful lot of effort just to join two thirty second snippets of video...
Use VirtualDub in the same fashion as you did to "Cure" the audio - except this time, set "Video" to "Full Processing Mode" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copying" - and from under the "Video" dropdown menu, select "Compression" and choose the codec you prefer (and configure it in whatever manner you please) and save each of the files with these settings...Comment