testing burns: what's the difference between...

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  • ulTRAX
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Jan 2005
    • 338

    testing burns: what's the difference between...

    Reading http://forum.digital-digest.com/show...threadid=47762 the suggestion is to use Nero ScanDisk to test the quality of a burn. It suggests using the file test and the surface test. What does each do? When I ckick on the file test the results come back "unread". They only show up as green when I do the surface test. But don't I want to test files?

    So what does the Nero tool do different than DVD InfoPro's Read Error test? I was once told it did CRC testing. What does Nero file/surface testing do?

    Are these tests preferable to PIE/PIF testing?

  • NightTran
    King of Digital Video
    King of Digital Video
    • Aug 2005
    • 4224

    the same but diff ( same purpose but dif. owner)


    • ulTRAX
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      • Jan 2005
      • 338

      Originally Posted by NightTran
      the same but diff ( same purpose but dif. owner)
      Which is the same? The DVDInfoPro test and which of the two Nero tests?

