Burner choice...

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  • moles42
    • Aug 2003
    • 62

    Burner choice...

    Just wondered if you guys could give me some feedback on
    a choice of 2 burners I'm considering...

    the Pioneer DVR-110D and the LG 16x+/- Duallayer GSA-4167BB

    I'm currently using a Pioneer DVR-106D but have been encountering
    a few problems...should I just upgrade the Pioneer or switch to LG
    which seems to be pretty popular at the moment but I also read
    that the LG looks and feels pretty cheaply made as opposed to
    the more robust Pioneer.

    any feedback would be very much appreciated.

    Last edited by moles42; 4 Mar 2006, 11:44 PM.
  • Gary D
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Dec 2005
    • 2266

    Here is an excellent site for choosing a burner, dvd player, etc.

    I currently have an LG gsa 4163b and it still works fine and an NEC ND 3550A.

    Both of these are recommended by Chewy.

    I like them because I burn my dvd+r's as DVD-ROM's. These make my discs very compatable with many players.
    Gary D


    • scooter1556
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2005
      • 49

      out of the 2 i would go for the LG, i have tested both and on pure compatability with a range of discs the LG i found to be the best. The pioneer was very good for reading and writing but would not read or write to a few media types and brands i tried, the LG did.


      • moles42
        • Aug 2003
        • 62

        thanks guys...feedback much appreciated.


        • NightTran
          King of Digital Video
          King of Digital Video
          • Aug 2005
          • 4224

          LG is the best over all if you dont care about scanning


          • Furiousg
            If you have any poo....throw it now
            • Dec 2005
            • 306

            I'm using the 4167B right now and I love it, as seems to be the consensus. If they are close in price I wouldn't hesitate to grab the LG.


            • soup
              Just Trying To Help
              • Nov 2005
              • 7524

              LG GSA 4163B here & looookin good.


              • moles42
                • Aug 2003
                • 62

                LG it is then...



                • moles42
                  • Aug 2003
                  • 62

                  Originally Posted by NightTran
                  LG is the best over all if you dont care about scanning
                  can you just enlighten me buddy as to what aspect you're
                  refering to when you say scanning?

                  I'm no expert here and I wondered if there was a downside to this?



                  • jmet
                    Super Moderator
                    • Nov 2002
                    • 8697

                    I actually suggest the NEC 3550. I own the NEC 3520 and NEC 3540 and absolutely love them! Best part is, they are under $40 with shipping. Not only do they burn great, they rip very fast as well (with modified firmware).

                    Silver one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16827152060

                    Black one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16827152058

                    Beige one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16827152059
                    Last edited by jmet; 5 Mar 2006, 11:46 AM.


                    • Gary D
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      Lord of Digital Video
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 2266

                      LG's will only test for Data tranferring and disc quality NOT pie's or pif's or jitter

                      See this link.
                      Last edited by Gary D; 5 Mar 2006, 01:13 PM.
                      Gary D


                      • NightTran
                        King of Digital Video
                        King of Digital Video
                        • Aug 2005
                        • 4224

                        Originally Posted by moles42
                        can you just enlighten me buddy as to what aspect you're
                        refering to when you say scanning?

                        I'm no expert here and I wondered if there was a downside to this?

                        quality with nero speed or dvd inforpro


                        • moles42
                          • Aug 2003
                          • 62

                          Well I went to my local store with the intent of purchasing the LG writer
                          but the guy eventually wore me down insisting that he personally had
                          seen so many of them returned he wouldn't entertain them.
                          he did however give me the opportunity if I wasn't happy to return and
                          change the Pioneer for the LG which I'd originally planned to buy.

                          I had nothing to lose I guess so I brought home the Pioneer DVR-110D and
                          immediately updated the firmware to version 1.39 and upto now haven't had
                          any problems with any of the blank media I'd got stuck with whilst using the earlier 106.

                          it's also reading and writing to the +/- RW's which again had been a problem for me...
                          so to all you helpful guys out there...I just wanted to say sorry.

                          I did heed your advice but I gave in to the wholesaler who insisted that the
                          Pioneer was by far the superior writer and upto now fingers crossed all seems ok....

                          I just hope it doesn't come back and bite me in the ass...

                          thanks again to you all here...you're always a wealth of
                          information to us newbie's...


                          • jmet
                            Super Moderator
                            • Nov 2002
                            • 8697

                            If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it?


                            • moles42
                              • Aug 2003
                              • 62

                              Originally Posted by jmet
                              If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it?
                              $68 Australian Dollars

                              the LG was priced at $66

