I have converted a ripped DVD downloaded off the net to mpg and want to burn it to cd. I am using nero but keep getting a message saying "there is not enough space to burn this compilation onto this medium, please insert another medium that provides more space" duh, why can't I use two cd's? can someone give some advice? thanks
Please help
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If your video runs longer than 60 minutes, you'll have to split your VCD-MPG file in two. This can be easily and precisely accomplished using TMPGEnc:
Under the "Files" dropdown menu, click on "MPEG Tools" and select the "Merge & Cut" tab.
Make sure to change the mode to "MPEG1-Video CD".
Load your file and enter a new (.MPG) name in the "Output file" box. Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL file's name in the window, which will bring you to the cutting area.
Select your desired start and end points for the first half, click on "Okay" which will bring you back to the first window and generate (in a sequence of three automated steps) the first new file.
To create the second new file, repeat the steps starting with "Then doubleclick on the ORIGINAL..." (be extra patient with the second half, as the program has to do more seeking to establish the beginning of the new file).
Let us know of your success ;>} -
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Setarip, I'm having a bit of trouble with the start and end points, I don't think I'm doing it right. I hate to sound lame (but I am) but is there a exact step by step on this procedure? I tried to follow yours (well done) but its not working, I think I may be missing a step or two, I am REALLY a newbie, and appreciate all of you assistance. ThanksComment
The following example assumes that you have a 120 minute MPEG1-VideoCD
Set "Part One" as follows:
1) The slider will, by default, be at the start of the entire video
2) Move the slider to the (approximate) 60 minute point in the film
3) Click on the right bracket ( "}" ) to set the "end point" for your "Part One". Click on "Ok" to return to the primary screen.Enter a new filename in the "Output" box. Click on the "Run" radio button to save "Part One"
4) Double-click on the ORIGINAL filename (in the window) again, to return to the "timesetting" window (with the slider, etc.)
5) Copy the time that appears in the "End" ("to") time box to the "Start" time box (e.g.60:00:00)
6) Move the slider to the far right, so that when you click on the right bracket ( "}" ) the "End" ("to") time box shows "(Last)". Click on "Ok" to return to the primary screen.Enter a new filename in the "Output" box. Click on the "Run" radio button to save "Part Two"Comment
absolutely perfect, crystal clear directions, If I can't follow this its time to take up checkers. Thanks again for the responceComment
Ok, well maybe its not that bad, but when I try to burn the "perfect mpeg conversion" I get errors from NERO like "calibration area full, invalid write state, could'nt perform end track" etc. I got the red light on the burner like it was trying (for about thirty seconds) but then It stopped and gave me all of the reasons why IT COULD"NT DO WHAT I WANTED, ARRRGGHH. Any how any ideas? thanks again for your help and patience.Comment
forgot to mention that after some direction from this site
which was exceptional by the way, I may have made a mistake. Because I saw something about ISO? don't know if that means anything, but thought it might, oh well, cheerio, talk to you soon I hope.Comment
Sorry, yes I burned with VCD, actually
I had so much trouble with this old burner (1X 5 years old) I went out and bought a new sony, and tried again, this time everything was flawless, I could'nt BELIEVE how fast it burned, but I put it my DVD player hit play and nadda, zip, bunco, It said disk error, so I tried it on the CD burner, but could'nt open, got some kinda error. (man, this stuff is frustrating) but I feel I am close, so, what next? any ideas? thanks againComment