The Devil is tempting me

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  • John2003
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 11

    The Devil is tempting me

    Since I am new to this and just recently discovered how I can protect my personally purchased DVD copies by making back ups and insuring I will always be able to view the material as the producer, actors, distrubtors and government want me to; now I have been told some individuals don't actually purchase the videos at all. There is a web site, run by the Devil, that offers free downloading of movies from all over the world 24/7. It has a name, Kazaa I believe, that promises sweet rewards just by giving them all your personal information. But once it has all the information it wants from you, it secretly takes your soul. You become invected with the sin of greed and start down loading movie after movie. You feel powerful and above the laws of the land, loading movie after movie. You don't stop to view any of them, you can't stop. You think it's free but soon the rent goes toward more media and jewel cases, then bookcases to hold them. Next goes the car payment, food and clothing and finally the drug money. In the end you are all alone in a bare apartment next to the tracks, a single light bulb swinging from each pass of the trains. Racks and racks of jewel cases line the wall except for a turned over trash can for a chair in front of a aging computer with a red lazer light flickering and dying. Your life ruined you don't hear the knock on the door. The judge makes you pay $1,000 for each and every copy. As you beg for forgiveness from the government, produces, actors and distributers you wonder how it ever came to this. Brothers, Sisters; tell me how I can avoid this. How can I find a web site which will not tempt me to taking the law into my own hands. I want to live with the respect of all the producers, actors, distributers and government agencies. I also want a good quality download and not some movie shot with a cam cord in the third row next to some kid with a blader problem chewing popcorn. Same me from sinning and help me find the light. Amen
  • Miss Marple
    Dithering old maid
    • Nov 2005
    • 957

    Visit from a devil

    With the Bible in hand into bed did I creep
    To read a few chapters before going to sleep
    As my eyelids grew heavy I heard a faint sound
    I held onto the good book and turned around

    I saw a slight movement come out of the night
    I jumped with a start and was consumed with fright
    In my room stood a figure menacing and tall
    His motion was fluid like a shadow on the wall

    He stared at me with two piercing eyes
    and said "Put down the book, stop reading those lies
    My master has sent me to get rid of this lark
    I am an agent of Lucifer the prince of the dark

    "I see you are reading in Genesis and Acts
    More of God's ramblings, now here are the facts
    Adam and Eve are a myth, they are God's fairy tale
    Your ancestors were not human, you once had a tail

    "Man was not created, it took many eons of time
    You have really evolved from a minute piece of slime
    I am known as the destroyer, and Apollyon is my name
    Listen to my plans of destruction, the reason I came

    "I will infiltrate your churches, and set up the stage
    To replace the old time religion with mine the New Age
    Forget God's Commandments, put your mind at ease
    You can form your own destiny and do as you please

    "Why bother with God when you are Number One
    Your father's not in Heaven, he's in Washington
    I will replace prayers with psychics and make astrology the craze
    It will be the same as Babylon back in the good old days

    "I will fill up the movies with sex, language and gore
    Until is seems like the norm and the people want more
    Then I'll bring it all in your homes and put it on TV
    On daytime and prime time so the children can see

    "Why believe in marriage and spending life with just one
    There are many fish in the ocean and swinging is fun
    Stop being so pious, it's square to be pure
    Fear not the diseases for which there's no cure

    "Feel free to party and partake of love's portion
    And if pregnancy results, there's always abortion
    It's not really a child, it's only a fetus that's dead
    Let's kill off the children, and save the whales instead

    "I took prayers out of the schools and brought condoms in
    The kids won't know the difference of what's Holy and what's sin
    I'll keep the prisons overflowing and justice from the courts
    Your streets will be a war zone, your homes will be forts

    "Do not believe in the Holy Spirit as the One who is just
    Instead of looking for angels, try some angel dust
    I will peddle narcotics in the cities and hills
    Talking to me is so easy, just pop a few pills

    "I will print porno of all sorts and send it through the mail
    The courts will allow it, we'll keep it upscale
    The commercials and ads will revolve around sex
    Until infidelity and rape become a reflex

    "I will set up your lifestyle so both parents must work
    While in gangs and on the streets their children will lurk
    Families will break up, the divorce rate will be high
    I'll make money a problem and all it can buy

    "You will need alcohol and pills to relieve all your stress
    Your mind will be a wasteland for my demons to possess
    I will take away your morals and your work ethics too
    I will subdue my enemy -- and my enemy is you"

    When he finished his tirade he kept leering at me
    I was now full of rage but had to agree
    The things that he talked about were now taking place
    His ultimate goal is to destroy the human race

    I felt a strength come from within, I lost all sense of fear
    This devil cannot hurt me, the Holy Spirit is here
    My body is God's Temple, and I will not let it be soiled
    For greater is He that's in me than he that's of the world

    Still holding the Bible I opened the good book
    To Revelation chapter 20, hey devil, take a look
    An angel is going to bind Satan and throw him in a pit
    And for one thousand years that's where he'll sit

    He's then removed from the pit and thrown into a fire-filled pool
    Where he will burn for eternity to pay for his misrule
    He will experience the ultimate pain with the rest of his crew
    When this happens to your boss, where does that leave you?

    Now what's that you said, the Bible is God's fairy tale?
    Listen to me now, devil, some facts I will unveil
    The Bible is the true word of God and I can prove it to you
    By all His fulfilled prophecies and the existence of the Jew

    God said many times He would return His people to their land
    And it's happening right now, don't you understand
    For twenty-five hundred years, His people had to roam
    Now they're coming back to Israel, back to their home

    Many times has the world tried to kill off the Jew
    But they have survived their enemies, does that give you a clue?
    God said "I will make an end of all nations among which I scattered you"
    Now tell me, devil, what has happened to Persia, Assyria and Babylon too?

    Where is Edom and Moab and Ammon today?
    The Philistines have vanished, what more can I say
    Many countries that suppressed the Jews no longer exist
    This is a fact that cannot be dismissed

    But Israel is still here and as strong as before
    Far outnumbered by their enemies yet they win every war
    They became a nation again, back in May of '48
    God foretold this in Isaiah chapter 66 verse 8

    The Lord picked the Jews as His chosen race
    And after thousands of years they survived by His grace
    No other country of people have a history that long
    How can such a tiny nation be so powerfully strong?

    Many prophecies in the Bible predicted the coming of Christ
    About His birth and His life and that He'd be sacrificed
    Over fifty prophecies on Jesus and all of them fulfilled
    You look a little sick, devil, how come you're not thrilled?

    Archaeology has proven the Bible with findings of long ago
    From the city of Babylon to the walls of Jericho
    The stone of Pontious Pilate and the scrolls of the Dead Sea
    The letters of Lachish and the obelisk of Shalmaneser III

    The Cyrus Cylinder and the tombstone of Uzziah
    The Assyrian king records and the tunnel of Hezekiah
    Hey what's the matter, devil, now you don't look so tall
    If all this is not enough, how about the Western Wall?

    As I continued my rebuttal, I saw the devil start to weaken
    He had no answers for me, I could see he was beaten
    I looked him square in the eyes and applied the final thrust
    I knew the following words would turn him to dust

    I rebuke you, evil one, be gone from my sight
    You may be from the darkness but I am a child of the light
    You think you can enter my home and do anything that pleases
    Get out of here devil -- in the name of Jesus

    His cry was a shrill, more like a scream
    He disappeared from sight, it was all a bad dream
    I looked out the window and saw the sunlight
    Good riddance to you, you prince of the night

    Now I warn all of you, I'm sounding the alarm
    Do not shake hands with Satan, you will lose your right arm
    He roams the streets like a lion looking for prey
    He will be the prince of this world until the Lord's Day

    But the Lord's Day is at hand and Satan's running out of time
    He knows when Jesus returns, he'll pay for his crime
    The final combat is coming and friends I'm not kidding
    Get on the Lord's side now before the Battle of Armageddon

    Many prophecies have been fulfilled in the last fifty years
    That lead to the end times and it certainly appears
    With the increase in earthquakes, pestilence, famine and war
    This generation may see Jesus as written in Matthew twenty-four

    Look around you my friends and see what's going on today
    Parents ignoring their children and children who disobey
    The profanity and violence and the moral decay
    All this belongs to Satan, this is not the Lord's way

    The Rapture could be any second when Jesus comes for His Church
    Be prepared for that moment, give yourself time for research
    When the saved leave the earth, there will be no goodbyes
    Don't be left standing here with tears in your eyes

    Turn your life over to Jesus, let your flesh be slain
    To free you from sin, He went through suffering and pain
    To spend eternity in Heaven should be your full-time quest
    Remember the years here on earth are only a test

    Turn your life over to Jesus, I'll say it again
    I'll shout it over the mountains and through every glen
    The Lord will be judging all sinners and those who backslide
    And believe me, my friends, there's no place you can hide

    Stop and listen, good people, He is calling to you
    To put off the old and to put on the new
    To bring Jesus in your life and be freed of Satan's snare
    Just say the following words from this simple prayer:

    "Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, come into my heart
    Wash away my sins, give me a new start
    Your are the Son of the Living God, I give my life to you
    Fill me with your presence, with a spirit that's new"

    That's all it takes to bring Jesus in your life
    To get rid of Satan's yoke and all of the strife
    If you say this with meaning, then His Presence you'll feel
    The Holy Spirit will be there, and you'll be under His seal

    by George Konig


    • LT. Columbo
      Demigod of Digital Video
      • Nov 2004
      • 10671

      Originally Posted by John2003
      Since I am new to this and just recently discovered how I can protect my personally purchased DVD copies by making back ups and insuring I will always be able to view the material as the producer, actors, distrubtors and government want me to; now I have been told some individuals don't actually purchase the videos at all. There is a web site, run by the Devil, that offers free downloading of movies from all over the world 24/7. It has a name, Kazaa I believe, that promises sweet rewards just by giving them all your personal information. But once it has all the information it wants from you, it secretly takes your soul. You become invected with the sin of greed and start down loading movie after movie. You feel powerful and above the laws of the land, loading movie after movie. You don't stop to view any of them, you can't stop. You think it's free but soon the rent goes toward more media and jewel cases, then bookcases to hold them. Next goes the car payment, food and clothing and finally the drug money. In the end you are all alone in a bare apartment next to the tracks, a single light bulb swinging from each pass of the trains. Racks and racks of jewel cases line the wall except for a turned over trash can for a chair in front of a aging computer with a red lazer light flickering and dying. Your life ruined you don't hear the knock on the door. The judge makes you pay $1,000 for each and every copy. As you beg for forgiveness from the government, produces, actors and distributers you wonder how it ever came to this. Brothers, Sisters; tell me how I can avoid this. How can I find a web site which will not tempt me to taking the law into my own hands. I want to live with the respect of all the producers, actors, distributers and government agencies. I also want a good quality download and not some movie shot with a cam cord in the third row next to some kid with a blader problem chewing popcorn. Same me from sinning and help me find the light. Amen
      google is a place to start
      "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
      Columbo moments...
      "Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
      "You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
      (An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)


      • Chewy
        Super Moderator
        • Nov 2003
        • 18971


        I put the call in for John.

        He'll be along shortly!


        • MikeyBK
          Digital Video Maniac
          • Feb 2006
          • 1131

          I DO NOT FEAR The Devil!!!!

          Antec 900 ATX Mid Tower
          Antec True Power Trio 650W PSU
          ABIT IP35 Pro LGA 775 Intel Motherboard
          Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz CPU (Overclocking @ 2.9GHz)
          XFX GeForce 8600GT 256MB GDDR3 Video Card
          Patriot eXtreme Performance (2 x 1GB) DDR2 SDRAM
          Seagate Barracuda(Perpendicular Recording) 320GB SATA 3.0Gb

          *SAMSUNG 18X LightScribe SATA SH-S183L DVD±R
          *Sony DRU-810A IDE DVD±R
          *BenQ LS DW1655 IDE DVD±R


          • blutach
            Not a god of digital video
            • Oct 2004
            • 24627

            Personally, I'd swap Gluttony for Greed. You still go down swinging, but it tastes a whole lot better.

            Then again, who the hell could go past Lust? Yeah - Vote 1 Lust.


            Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]

            Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
            [What's bitsetting?] [Burn dual layer disks safely] [Why not to burn with Ner0] [Interpret Ner0's burn errors] [Got bad playback?] [Burner/Media compatibility]

            Cool Techniques - [2COOL's guides] [Clean your DVD] [Join a flipper] [Split into 2 DVDs] [Save heaps of Mb] [How to mock strip] [Cool Insert Clips]

            Real useful info - [FAQ INDEX] [Compression explained] [Logical Remapping of Enabled Streams] [DVD-Replica] [Fantastic info on DVDs]

            You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to for their supply and great service.

            Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them

            Don't forget to play the Digital Digest Quiz!!! (Click here)


            • codajohn
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Jul 2005
              • 661

              Is it the guilt of temptation? Was he caught by the authorities? To many Steven King movies?
              My DVD Collection
              Register To Join Digital Video Forums

              Dell Inspiron 9100 Laptop, Windows XP Home SP 2 (build 2600), 2.80GH Pent 4, ST94811A 40GB HD, 2GB RAM, NEC DVD+RW ND-6100A 104D, ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700, External 250GB Maxtor HD, External LG-5163D A105

              IBM ThinkCenter 8189, XP Pro, 3.2GH Pentium 4, 120 GB HD, 1GB Ram, BENQ DW1650 BCIC, Nvidia GeForce FX 5200, Generic floppy disk drive (3.5")

              The Golden Rules of Burning


              • soup
                Just Trying To Help
                • Nov 2005
                • 7524

                As much as I like movies & food, I gotta go with blu on this one. As for the devil, I have to go with Pat Benatar "hit me with your best shot".


                • LT. Columbo
                  Demigod of Digital Video
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 10671

                  believe me, i'd LOVE to hit pat benetar with my best shot!
                  "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
                  Columbo moments...
                  "Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
                  "You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
                  (An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)

