Problems with Live Video Streaming

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  • Bionic687
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 4

    Problems with Live Video Streaming

    Hi, I'm using a program called PYSoft Broadcaster to create an online talk show. So far, everything is going great. Everyone that I know is able to view the feed and there hasn't been any problems connnecting to it. However, when we ran the show last night we noticed that we are only able to have 5 people connected to the feed at a time. I contacted the people who run my router and they weren't able to help me out. I searched high and low researching PYSoft Broadcaster for answers to this problem as well, thinking that there was just something I had to do within the program itself, but still found nothing. So my question is, "is there something that I may have to change in internet settings to have more than 5 people connect to my feed?" Hopefully someone can help me out with this because I am completely stumped. Thanks!

  • RFBurns
    To Infinity And Byond
    • May 2006
    • 499


    Most audio and video server programs have a user defined configuration file that tells the server certian paramiters. For instance, there are entries that tell the server what port will be used for connections, maximum allowed listeners/viewers, bitrate, etc.

    I would check the programs configuration settings and see if it is set to a low connections allowed number and change it. Depending on the program itself, it may only require notepad or any other text editor to open the configuration file and make the necessary changes.

    You also want to make sure your connection can handle the number of connections to the server, otherwise everyone tuned in will get drop-outs and serious lag.

    Here..I will fix it!

    Sony Digital Video and Still camera CCD imager service

    MCM Video Stabalizer

