xvid movie with mpeg layer 3 audio
xvid movie with mpeg layer 3 audio
Could some one tell me what I am doing wrong.Every time I try and burn a xvid movie ,the movie comes out sharp and clear but the sound is disstorted.I have the xvid codec installed on my computer and can play the movie from any player on the computer,sound and picture are great.But when I try to burn it is were I loose the sound.
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are you burning this as a data disc or converting it first- if so what software is being used?"One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
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xvid movie with mpeg layer 3 audio
I am leaving the file as a xvid avi and are using both convertx to dvd & Diko Dvd to burn it.Some movies come out clear on the audio using the same audio codec and then some will have only picture and no audio or the sound will be very muffled,Any idea's.ThanksComment
That doesn´t make sense at all. You are either converting the file to DVD format or burning the avi file as a data DVD.
Well either way here are some suggestions.
If you were trying to convert it, did you try playing the .vob files in your computer and check if they came out right? Picture and sound ok?
If you were burning it as a data DVD, I assumed you can watched it no problem.
After bruning , did you try to play the Disk in your computer and see if audio came out ok?
Your problem could be just your player.Comment