i am so confused with smr movies

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  • saphire115
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2002
    • 6

    i am so confused with smr movies

    Everytime I download an smr movie it either doesn't play anything or it isn't the movie I just spent time downloading and I am getting mad and I'm also confused ,is there anyway to check the movie your downloading this happens when I download off kazaa and imesh is there a better place to download movies?
  • zeuss
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 30

    have ou the smr codec installed? , and yes everything is better than smr use Mirc



    • Mac Sidewinder
      Platinum Member
      Platinum Member
      • Apr 2002
      • 175

      You can also wait until you get around 20mb downloaded then in your file manager simply drag the still downloading file to a temp directory to copy it. Then use DIVX FIX v1.07 (get from d/l section on www.doom9.org) on the file to repair it (since it isn't complete). Now you can view it to see if the quality is good and if it is what you want.



      • Deus
        Super Member
        Super Member
        • Nov 2001
        • 284

        do you have the smr patch? that might be the reason why some dont play.also I wouldnt download from imesh they sell the info on what you download and stuff it a really sleasy download program


        • sarit16
          Platinum Member
          Platinum Member
          • Dec 2001
          • 191

          How do u use MIRC?

          Howdi all,

          zeuss, how do u use mirc to download movies, how do u search for movies. Could u please like wrtie down the procedure 4 me below, secodnly is the transfer rate faster than using the p2p programs?




          • zeuss
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • May 2002
            • 30


            How to use mirc (all mirc users are sighing)
            no offence, its just a very broad question.
            1. down load a Mirc Client (personal choice, Invision or Procreation)

            2. Have you done a simple web searc asking the same Question?
            im sure there are tons of detailed tutorials.

            3.Join a chanel (like a chat room)
            Id sugest joinin a 'help-channel' first.

            4. then basicly learn how to accsess other peoples file list.

            I warn you now IRC (mIRC) is very addictive,and is prob the best place for ppl to find what they are looking for (other than known FTPs)

            And your question about P2P? well Mirc uses P2P, there is no other way other than FTP(wich kinda the same), to get the stuff 'i think your lookin for' because web sites and html down loads rarely host any..err . debateable material.

            sorry i cant go into too much detail on how to use Mirc, it would take for ever, and im sure someone has alreadyu explained it better in a guide on the net somewhere.

            ....oh and this is in noway directed at you, but i does confuse me when people ask questions i see in forums, when they obviously havnt dome a web-search first,

            once again...nnoway directed at you considering im replying to an earlyier post of mine.

            Hope this help and good luck with IRC , in no time you will b a
            |33t F-serv L33©h/-\ (and understand that too)


            • TTPhoenix
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • May 2002
              • 1

              Hi, i have the same problem as Saphire. Endless downloads and when you play it the screen is black and no sound.

              I installed the SmR codec patch, also tried various players but... no results.
              I use WinXP. Perhaps SmR patch isnt compatible with XP.


              • VERT
                • Apr 2002
                • 50

                You guys will need the SMR codec. For quality any smr movie you download will be bad in varying degrees and will also be a screener rather than a dvd rip. Screener is where someone takes a camera into a theatre with them and videos the film, thus bad quality picture and horrible sound.

                As for downloading something else other than what you though it was - I find it enoying that people change filenames too, what you need to do is when your searching or downloading is scroll to the far right of the page and it will tell you what your actually downloading.


                • jason
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2002
                  • 3

                  You could also go to www.neo-modus and get direct connect. This is much better than kazaA and others. Dont know any thing aobut the other but i am totally addicted to these hubs.


                  • Deus
                    Super Member
                    Super Member
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 284

                    Are you kidding me!! Direct Connect sucks. how can you say its the best if you admit you dont know anything about the others.


                    • zeuss
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • May 2002
                      • 30

                      Lemme correct something someone posted earlier.
                      a screener is not filmed with a vid cam in a cinema, they are called 'cams' or 'ts' (telesync).
                      screener is made for post production purposes, ie: reveiws.
                      and is often near dvd quality.
                      just check the web for the meaning of these terms.


                      • Wicked Jester
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 8

                        You need to make sure that you have the entire file. The movies will NOT play if it is not the entire file. Check files sizes at www.shadowrealm.info


                        • admin
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 8964

                          This thread discusses how to download movies, which is against the rules of this forum.


                          Wicked Jester : Almost all your posts have been to promote www.shadowrealm.info, which is also against the forum rules (no excessive promotion).
                          Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog

