My brother has a strange problem when he wants to delete a folder from his PC. First, one VIDEO_TS folder was created and somehow, a chain of VIDEO_TS folders and some VIDEO-TS2 folders came out of nowhere. When we clicked on the first VIDEO_TS folder, there's the AUDIO_TS and the VIDEO_TS folders inside (that's normal) and when we clicked on the VIDEO_TS folder in there, there's the VIDEO-TS2 folder and another VIDEO_TS and so on where it all repeats until we reached the end of the chain of folders (that's not normal). There must be twenty-five folders in the chain instead of three. When we reached the last one there's a message saying something about the file being too long and it can't be opened. I checked the size of disk space used and it said 0MBs. If it's zero, it should say 0KBs, not 0MBs. If the folders are all empty the disk space used should be 1KB. When we tried deleting the folders, we kept getting the following error.

At some point I tried deleting the last folder first and that same error appeared. I tried deleting halfway through and the same happened. I also tried under Search and the same happened, also through Safe Mode. I tried through Safe Mode without using Search but Safe Mode hid the first VIDEO_TS folder in My Documents.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Many thanks.
At some point I tried deleting the last folder first and that same error appeared. I tried deleting halfway through and the same happened. I also tried under Search and the same happened, also through Safe Mode. I tried through Safe Mode without using Search but Safe Mode hid the first VIDEO_TS folder in My Documents.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Many thanks.