I want your Opinion

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  • drunkin_donkey
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 14

    I want your Opinion

    I am a movie junky just like everyone else on this site, and I am getting ready to purchase a new big screen tv and surround sound unit. I was wanting to get everyones opinion on what is the best way to go on these 2 units. I want something top of the line but don't really want to pay top dollar if it isn't something worth the cost. So another words I want the best bang for my buck.

    There are so many different coices out there and different things to consider I was wanting to know what you guys thought was the best?(DLP/LCD/ect.) Also was wondering if there was a certin brand or model you guys thought was better then the other. Same with the surround sound. Only with the surround sound I was wanting the built in dvd player and was wanting to insure it would play my back up copies as well as the originals. I am also looking into the whole High Def / Blue Ray DVD but really don't know much about them yet.

    So I would appreciate any info Fact or opinoin you guys have on any of these 3 topics.

    Please just keep posting and I will keep reading

    High Def DVD Player
    Blue ray Dvd Player
    PS 3 with Blue ray and a High Def DVD Player
    NONE wait for price to drop

    The poll is expired.

  • bill7621
    It could be worse.
    • Jun 2005
    • 229

    If you want to be the first person on the block to have this stuff, then by all means pay out your a$$. But if you truely want the "best bang for the buck" as you state, then wait. There's no hurry and the longer you wait, the better and cheaper they get. And unless you have lots of money and no brains, you should almost never buy first generation equipment. Give them time to work the bugs out!
    Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed!


    • RFBurns
      To Infinity And Byond
      • May 2006
      • 499


      One must learn to walk before running.

      Become educated with all the products out there. LEARN LEARN LEARN!!!

      The biggest problem consumers have with all this new stuff is that they do not understand even the simplest function of an elaborate system. You can save yourself alot of headache and lost time by doing your homework. Ask alot of questions, and the most important thing to keep in mind is this....

      ...what are your needs vs wants. It makes no sense to purchase a ton of stuff when half of the features etc wont even be touched.

      It is true that an elaborate system may overwhelm the average person when it comes to functionality. All those buttons, all those connections, and all those pages in the operation manuals. Unfortunately we have not arrived at the "one button wonder" that works everything.

      If you take your time and do as much fact finding before even walking into a store, you will be better prepared to ask those important questions to the salesperson. Plus you may find that you might know a bit more than the salesperson to boot.

      As suggested, wait a bit for the next generations of items. This will give you time to look around, ask around, read up on developments, changes and updates. Search consumer product forums, read what others are saying about their experiences. 5 minutes of research can save you hours of hair-pulling frustrations!

      And the most important thing......NEVER BUY EXTENDED WARRANTY FROM A PLACE THAT HAS NO SERVICE DEPARTMENT!!!!!! If you do decide to buy extended warranty coverage, ask first if that store has a service department or if they contract out to a local service provider that honors the store's extended warranty.

      Good hunting!

      Here..I will fix it!

      Sony Digital Video and Still camera CCD imager service

      MCM Video Stabalizer


      • Abuilder
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        • Oct 2006
        • 347

        I was going to suggest what companies to avoid in your hunt for the high end stuff. But I am going to bite my tongue.

        They tried to Assimilate me and failed!


        • blutach
          Not a god of digital video
          • Oct 2004
          • 24627

          More and more I see of your posts, RFBurns, I appreciate your views.


          Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]

          Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
          [What's bitsetting?] [Burn dual layer disks safely] [Why not to burn with Ner0] [Interpret Ner0's burn errors] [Got bad playback?] [Burner/Media compatibility]

          Cool Techniques - [2COOL's guides] [Clean your DVD] [Join a flipper] [Split into 2 DVDs] [Save heaps of Mb] [How to mock strip] [Cool Insert Clips]

          Real useful info - [FAQ INDEX] [Compression explained] [Logical Remapping of Enabled Streams] [DVD-Replica] [Fantastic info on DVDs]

          You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to www.pcx.com.au for their supply and great service.

          Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them

          Don't forget to play the Digital Digest Quiz!!! (Click here)


          • RFBurns
            To Infinity And Byond
            • May 2006
            • 499

            Originally Posted by blutach
            More and more I see of your posts, RFBurns, I appreciate your views.

            Thanks blutach! It is a pleasure to post information that folks can use. I always believed that knowledge shared is more valuable than it is when kept on a shelf.

            Here..I will fix it!

            Sony Digital Video and Still camera CCD imager service

            MCM Video Stabalizer


            • LT. Columbo
              Demigod of Digital Video
              • Nov 2004
              • 10671

              Originally Posted by RFBurns
              I always believed that knowledge shared is more valuable than it is when kept on a shelf.

              same goes for cigars!

              i'm a little suprised by the votes actually, thought there might be a few takers. but seriously folks, how many times do we need to be taught? remember the beta trap? a dvd on a plasma tv is excellent, improvements on this is ridiculous!
              "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
              Columbo moments...
              "Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
              "You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
              (An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)


              • TNT
                DVD Shrinker
                • Jan 2004
                • 1296

                Originally Posted by drunkin_donkey
                There are so many different coices out there and different things to consider I was wanting to know what you guys thought was the best?(DLP/LCD/ect.)
                General consensus is LCD.

                Also was wondering if there was a certin brand or model you guys thought was better then the other.
                SONY XBR

                Only with the surround sound I was wanting the built in dvd player and was wanting to insure it would play my back up copies as well as the originals. I am also looking into the whole High Def / Blue Ray DVD but really don't know much about them yet.
                These two are mutually exclusive for now as far as I know.

                Sounds like it would be best for you to wait. Although the PS3 isn't bad at $600 considering stand alones are about $1000.
                Beauty is in the eye of the Beer-Holder.
                I'm in shape. ROUND is a shape. - George Carlin

                How to choose an HDTV, Step by Step


                • tonay
                  Gold Member
                  Gold Member
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 100

                  One thing to remember to is who will win the HDDVD vs BluRay battle. Will one win or will a dual format player win? My bet is on the second option.


                  • tonay
                    Gold Member
                    Gold Member
                    • Mar 2005
                    • 100

                    As far as TV's the Sony SXBR will probably be top rated. But for value (quality at price) my money would got with the JVC HDILA's. Mitsubushi is also marketing new technology w/ a 6 color chip vs. most w/ a 3-5 color. Is it better (?) - time will tell.


                    • Chizzmo
                      Gold Member
                      Gold Member
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 139

                      In my opinion you should never jump on the new products right away. There are always bugs to be fixed out, and ofcourse the prices will drop drastically within a year or two. Also with all the different types of media now bidding for the top spot, I'd hate to go out and spend big bucks today on something that flopps a couple years down the road and your stuck with an expensive dust collector.



                      • drunkin_donkey
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 14

                        You guys are very helpfull. Everything you say makes sence.

                        As far as the HD DVD or blue Ray I think i will wait.

                        Now the TV on the other hand. I would like to get a big screen now. I know there are only a handfull of High Def channels out there but I would like to be prepared by having a HD TV, but want good quaility on the regular digital picture as well. It doesn't have to a Flat Screen ex.Plasma. Thin would be nice but on the TV. I want Quality. Size I'm not sure on yet Probley about a 50 - 55 in Widescreen. So do you have any more thoughts on this? Also is there a free site for like consumer reports on electronics. I have looked but not really found anything dedicated to electronics. Just a Blog here and there.

                        Thank you
                        The Donkey


                        • toomanycats
                          Digital Video Expert
                          Digital Video Expert
                          • Apr 2005
                          • 595

                          Take the leap. Get an LCD Projector. You'll have the real home theater viewing experience and it is the most bang for the buck period. The prices for HD compatible projectors rival (or can be less expensive) most LCD or PLASMA TV's. Take a look at the Sanyo ( I prefer Sanyo's 3 year parts and labor warranty)

                          or Panasonic

                          Shop around for price, www.projectorpeople.com is a good outfit also. I play them against each other for price. If you careful how you shop you could probably get a projector and TV for the price of some of the one the Plasma's on the market. I use my projector for Movies and my 36" Toshiba for everyday viewing. The experience can't be beat. Most of these projectors go down to 36" and up to 200"s, so viewing space isns't a problem, just choose your screen size. www.projectorpeople.com has a useful online calculator for figuring these things out. You'll never have to worry about viewing off center as this is not a issue with projectors. If you want to have a movie outdoors, you can project on the side of your house. I take mine with my when I go motor homing and place the screen on the side of the motorhome, the kids love it.


                          • blutach
                            Not a god of digital video
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 24627

                            What a great idea "cats". Never thought of taking it with me/doing outdoor movies. But you'd need to take your sub-woofer too, eh?


                            Essential progs - [PgcEdit] [VobBlanker] [MenuShrink] [IfoEdit] [Muxman] [DVD Remake Pro] [DVD Rebuilder] [BeSweet] [Media Player Classic] [DVDSubEdit] [ImgBurn]

                            Media and Burning - [Golden Rules of Burning] [Media quality] [Fix your DMA] [Update your Firmware] [What's my Media ID Code?] [How to test your disc]
                            [What's bitsetting?] [Burn dual layer disks safely] [Why not to burn with Ner0] [Interpret Ner0's burn errors] [Got bad playback?] [Burner/Media compatibility]

                            Cool Techniques - [2COOL's guides] [Clean your DVD] [Join a flipper] [Split into 2 DVDs] [Save heaps of Mb] [How to mock strip] [Cool Insert Clips]

                            Real useful info - [FAQ INDEX] [Compression explained] [Logical Remapping of Enabled Streams] [DVD-Replica] [Fantastic info on DVDs]

                            You should only use genuine Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media. Many thanks to www.pcx.com.au for their supply and great service.

                            Explore the sites and the programs - there's a gold mine of information in them

                            Don't forget to play the Digital Digest Quiz!!! (Click here)


                            • toomanycats
                              Digital Video Expert
                              Digital Video Expert
                              • Apr 2005
                              • 595

                              It's tru Blu, you do sacrifice sound in the wilderness, but it is pretty cool and you get a lot of kids enjoying the fun. Some people tell me it's sacrilege to bring all the tech stuff camping but if you're in a motorhome you're not camping anyway!!

