When using Nero for a scan on Disk quality, what would be a good/passing/poor grade? I Have ranged from 98-0.
Test result
I have had sucess with discs playing with QS as low as 50, but if I see they are that bad I will reburn the movie again to get a better result. All players are different; a "bad" disc may play fine in one player, & another player might not even start the movie.
Altho, typical bad burns like that tend to "hang" about 2/3 into the movie.Comment
Usually the scan only is not sufficient to evaulate burning quality. It can happen that a disc with a good scan can be unreadable. There are some documented cases in CDFreaks (sorry, I don't have links right now to post).
I suggest to couple always a transfer rate test to the scan, to complete the test.
Even better, after you burned a disc, doing a scan and copying all files on HDD again is the better test. However, this can be really time consuming. In my experience, transfer rate test is enough reliable to evaluate readability of a disc.
In this way you can use the transfer rate test as a measure of disc readability and the scan as a a measure of how many time disc will remain readable: the more are the errors, and sooner will become unreadable (or a coaster)