What was the name of your first dvd that you backed up & do you remember how you felt? Complete backup, ripped, burnt, plays on your PC & played in your standalone?
Nostalgia or Just Today?
First DVD Back-up--------Body Heat
How I Felt---------------Great, finally got the giant corrupt corporation by the &*#@**. Great inspiration for learning more about DVD's
Back-up-----------------Movie only
Played on----------------Standalone
I must also say learning how to do SVCD on two 700mb CD-R disks first was a big help on learning how to back-up DVD's
Think how great it is going to be if reality comes for backing-up HD-DVD and Blu-Ray in the future. WOW even a greater high.
Last edited by ed klein; 19 Jan 2007, 11:03 AM. -
First DVD Back-up------Cinderella Man
How I Felt---------------Shocked
Back-up-----------------Full Disc at 16x, Did everything at 16x..until I was shown the light.
Played on----------------Standalone and a 32" CRT, does not look so good on a 42" Plasma nowComment
First DVD Back-up--------Silent Hill
How I Felt---------------Shocked
Back-up-----------------Full Disc at 16x, Did everything at 16x..until I saw
the light and the error of my ways.
Played on----------------Standalone DVD recorder and VHS combo(BB
house brand) and A 42'' Hitachi projection TV and
on PC with no problems.
Burned with--------------Acer 3003LCI and an external pioneer 111DL
CD/DVDRW firmware version 1.29 and an external
samsung TSSTcorp CD/DVDRW SH-S162L
firmware version TS06.Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.Comment
1st DVD ---- SPIRIT Stallion of the Cimarron
Same as my 1st VCD / SVCD. The hardest to get Sound sinic of all.
Emachine Burner= NEC ND-1300a 4x still using this burner (sometimes)
Played perfect, still does
Recently replaced old Samsung HD166s with New AD-7170A.
Burn Baby Burn.Important: Remember, if something is worth doing, its worth doing wronguntil you learn to do it Right!
sigpic IT'S ALL GOODComment
My 1st DVD backup was Disney's Tarzan. My reaction to a successfull playback? I shouted to the world by saying "Finally!I don't have to do VCD, SVCD, and KVCD anymore!!!!"
Man, those old school days of 10+ hours of TMPGenc encoding are behind me.2CL C Henshin!
If you got a dollar for everytime someone called you ugly, you'd be a millionaire...an "ugly" millionaire.±
First backup--Easy Rider
First major DVD conversion, PAL2NTSC--Walker, A True Story
First HUGE project backup--ST TOS, ST TNG, ST Voyager, ST DS9, ST Movie Collection 1-10: STTMP, STTWOK, STTSFS, STTVH, STTFF, STTUC, STG, STFC, STI, STN.
Joining this forum has been an excellent experience. Tons of information given by careing people. And in return the forum has given me the opportunity to help others as well.
Salutes to everyone!
first backup - memoirs of a geisha
how i felt - patted myself on the back, especially when it worked!
thanks you all for helping!Comment