commercial tv

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  • heyjude85023
    • Dec 2005
    • 59

    commercial tv

    i wonder what the people on the creative and editing side of the television shows broadcast on u.s. tv think when they see ratings, advertisements, station brands, promos for upcoming shows and just general junk obscuring what they worked so hard to make visually pleasing.

    i remember watching a news broadcast about a serious accident when homer simpson danced across the bottom of the screen in a bathrobe and slippers.

    at other times, at the start of the show, as the main characters enter into view, their heads are hidden from view by the rating in one upper corner, some other logo in the other corner, and across the bottom of the screen (covering 1/3 of the screen) are the credits and scenes from the previous show. (i have noticed some variation of this on every show i have seen in recent months.) or, there is writing (scene location, year of events, information about the events taking place, etc.) on the screen that can’t be read because of the various junk placed over it.

    when they start doing this on the cable premium channel movies and shows is when i get rid of them and just watch dvds.
  • hello people
    Gold Member
    Gold Member
    • Apr 2005
    • 142

    I just watch DVD's. To answer your question,I don't think they would care. Except if they are young and green


    • RFBurns
      To Infinity And Byond
      • May 2006
      • 499

      News and information "tickers"...the crawls that cover up the lower or upper part of the screen as well as the transparent station/channel ID logos are indeed becomming an eye sore.

      At one time this idea of keying in ticker banners across our screens was only to provide critical information regarding weather or other emergency information that was an extension of the EBS system. When that changed to the EAS system some years ago, and the EAS equipment would stick a ticker across the top of the screen, that opened up the can of worms to advertisers and as such we see the result today.

      With the exception of the station/channel ID logo in the lower right corner, and the EAS (Emergency Alert System, formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System or EBS) which displays in the upper part of the screen with weather and other emergency info, all other "garbage" should be viewer selectable, much like CC is viewer selectable. (CC-Closed Caption) This may become a reality once all analog transmissions are discontinued in about another year and half.

      It is not unlike the tons of pop-ups and other garbage we get across the net and onto our PC screens, or a newspaper or magazine filled with more pages of advertising than articles and information.

      The I-Pod's and internet capable cell phones and such will also be bombarded with this kind of advertising.

      If there ever was a "one-button-wonder", it would be priceless to have one that shuts off the advertising garbage.

      Here..I will fix it!

      Sony Digital Video and Still camera CCD imager service

      MCM Video Stabalizer


      • LT. Columbo
        Demigod of Digital Video
        • Nov 2004
        • 10671

        yeah this is sickening. one reason i hate tv shows on tv. TBS atlanta (superstation) is bad for this. watmarks and animations take up 50% of the screen for several seconds at a time.
        "One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century". Jack The Ripper - 1888
        Columbo moments...
        "Double Shock" "The Greenhouse Jungle" "Swan Song" FORUM RULES
        "You try to contrive a perfect alibi, and it's your perfect alibi that's gonna hang ya."
        (An Exercise In Fatality, 1974)


        • volfann
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          Digital Video Enthusiast
          • Jun 2006
          • 384

          This problem does seem to be getting out of hand. No different from spam in my opinion. I love The History Channel,but I wish they would dump that HUGE logo that never leaves the bottom right hand corner of my screen. I already know what channel I am watching.

          Rent This Space


          • katzdvd
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Feb 2006
            • 2198

            This has been a peeve of mine for quite a few years - I absolutely can't stand it! For this reason, I rarely watch TV. We can always wait & hope the series comes out on DVD

            (Hopefully they won't start putting the logos/ads, etc/ on those, although I have heard rumors...)


            • heyjude85023
              • Dec 2005
              • 59

              i have noticed more and more advertising on commercial dvds.

              i wonder if any advertising individuals take one or two basic psychology classes. i believe constant bombardment of anything just causes people to tune it out.

              no use screamer louder, i will just ignore you harder.


              • Westly32
                Super Member
                Super Member
                • Jun 2006
                • 276

                FX, USA Network and Sci Fi are the worst offenders when it comes to the video trash they fly across the screen...Sci Fi even blocks the credits that appear in the first act of tv shows by throwing a huge ugly purple banner across the bottom of the picture, you can't see the episode title or the actors who're guest starring. Guess they figure nobody cares what the title of an episode is...


                • heyjude85023
                  • Dec 2005
                  • 59

                  and of course there are the stations with programming that has im's or text messages that are on the lower third of the screen. you know, where people far and wide are discussing the show in progress in some chat room during its airing?

                  this is what you read, i assume, when you are bored watching the show.

                  broadcasters sure have a tiny amount of faith in their programming if they give you something else to read while it is on.


                  • Dan
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 1029

                    My favorite is when the movie channels have free preview weekend with no editing or commercials.........Then during the movie they show the GD scroll banner on the screen so you will order the package and not enjoy it for free for 2 friggin days. No wonder I buy so many DVD's!

