has anyone hooked up cable box to pc to record shows etc? if so how is this done?
cable box
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The best method is with a TV Capture card. I have a media center so it comes with a TV tuner which is also a capture card. You need software, and you need to get the capture card setup properly as per the documentation.
I run the SVIDEO out and left/right audio from my sat. rec into the inputs at the back of my PC which are conected to the capture card. Sonic makes software to capture but I don't like it, I am sure Nero makes some also. Start searching the threads, I know doom9 http://forum.doom9.org/ has a section of capture, check it out http://forum.doom9.org/forumdisplay.php?f=10Last edited by Art Vandelay; 26 May 2007, 01:34 PM. -