How do you record or strip a control track? is there a control track generator?
control track is a analog sync clock/pulse right?
what input on the VTR does it go into please?
How do you record or strip time codes Non-drop or Drop frame or SMPTE?
(don't i just use a time code generator processor and record the time code channel/track?
How do you "encode" a blank tape to be 1080i or 1080p or 720p or PAL?
what processor do i use to encode please?
what input do i use on the VTR to record/strip the encoding data?
When testing blanking,sync pulse,color burst signals on the waveform monitor
what should the voltage be or IRE?
What do u know about blanking,sync pulse,color burst signals?
What processor does up conversion,down conversion,cross conversion?
or how do you do up conversion,down conversion,cross conversion?
What kind of standard conversions does a tape operator/dubber need to know please?
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control track is a analog sync clock/pulse right?
what input on the VTR does it go into please?
How do you record or strip time codes Non-drop or Drop frame or SMPTE?
(don't i just use a time code generator processor and record the time code channel/track?
How do you "encode" a blank tape to be 1080i or 1080p or 720p or PAL?
what processor do i use to encode please?
what input do i use on the VTR to record/strip the encoding data?
When testing blanking,sync pulse,color burst signals on the waveform monitor
what should the voltage be or IRE?
What do u know about blanking,sync pulse,color burst signals?
What processor does up conversion,down conversion,cross conversion?
or how do you do up conversion,down conversion,cross conversion?
What kind of standard conversions does a tape operator/dubber need to know please?
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