Can photo's on a CD or DVD be viewed on a regular TV using a DVD player?

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  • burnselk
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 13

    Can photo's on a CD or DVD be viewed on a regular TV using a DVD player?

    If I download my photo's (taken with my digital camera) onto a CD disk, can I then view the pictures on my television via a DVD player?

    What if I download my photo's onto a DVD-R disk instead, could I then view the photo's on my TV via a DVD player?

    My question is basically this: Can I view, on a large screen TV, photo's I have taken with my digital camera and downloaded onto a CD or DVD disk?

    I took several photo's of our family reunion this past Saturday and now want to distribute the photo's to my family by burning copies of the photo disks (CD or DVD) and mailing the disk to them.

    I just need to know if the photo's can be viewed on a TV using a DVD player.

    Thank you kindly for your responses.
  • olyteddy
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Nov 2006
    • 268

    Your Mileage May Vary but most modern DVD players can indeed display JPEG photos. If you're in doubt about yours, try it or RTFM.


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      And even if it doesn't read JPEGs, you can always make your own DVD slideshows. There are far too many software titles that can allow you to do this to name (most are shareware/commercial, but if you want a free solution, you can read my Making a Photo Slideshow using DVD slideshow GUI guide).
      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


      • gonwk
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Dec 2005
        • 1500

        Hi Admin,

        Nice guide ...

        btw, is there a "Running List" of all of your Guides somewhere on DD or DVF?



        • admin
          • Nov 2001
          • 8964

          Here's a list of all the guides on Digital Digest, some by me, some by jmet and others:

          digital, digest, dvd, divx, dvdr, dvd+r, dvd-r, rip, copy, ripping, convert, backup, back, up, shrink, xvid, software, download, news, guide, article

          Don't have a list of all the guides on the forum though, but some of them are linked on the above page as well
          Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


          • gonwk
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Dec 2005
            • 1500

            Thank You Sir!


