I tried to install Adobe Photoshop and I had a problem where it asked me to enter the CD-ROM even though it was already in. That isn't the reson for this post. The reason is, I found this file in My Documents.

When I tried to delete the file I got this message.

I hate it when I get these warnings and I don't know why they appear. Are they serious warnings or just something to ignore? That question might sound dumb but how can my other software or even my PC not work properly because I never even got a chance to choose what hard drive I wanted to install in by clicking on Browse.
Many thanks.
When I tried to delete the file I got this message.

I hate it when I get these warnings and I don't know why they appear. Are they serious warnings or just something to ignore? That question might sound dumb but how can my other software or even my PC not work properly because I never even got a chance to choose what hard drive I wanted to install in by clicking on Browse.
Many thanks.