Downgrading To Windows XP

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  • dazuk1972
    Digital Video Specialist
    Digital Video Specialist
    • Jul 2005
    • 853

    Downgrading To Windows XP

    I have a PC that has Windows Vista now and I prefer Windows XP. Is it true if I downgrade my other PC from Windows Vista to Windows XP the downgrade can either delete my data such as my files and folders in My Documents or mess my PC up all together where I'll have to format to fix it?

    Is it best to downgrade as soon as I have set it up on my desk and then install my software and add my data such as my files and folders in My Documents after downgrading?

    Many thanks.
  • RFBurns
    To Infinity And Byond
    • May 2006
    • 499

    Back in the day of DOS and Win9x it was fairly easy to go back and forth. I think that a Vista machine, with hardware thats built to run that particular OS, may encounter problems running the XP OS, along with the associated drivers that may not communicate properly with the hardware under the older OS.

    I would back up every bit of bits on that before attempting a downgrade. And I would not install anything until you know for sure the XP OS is running properly and drivers for the hardware are working correctly. If all that pans out, then I would say the programs to be installed should run ok.

    The real expert on these sort of things is Chewy.

    Here..I will fix it!

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    • Chewy
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2003
      • 18971

      AFAIK, they are still writting drivers for XP and the newest hardware, problem is finding them, for example a newer model laptop might have only been released with vista OS installed, or no drivers are listed by the manufacturer


      • dazuk1972
        Digital Video Specialist
        Digital Video Specialist
        • Jul 2005
        • 853

        Originally Posted by RFBurns
        Back in the day of DOS and Win9x it was fairly easy to go back and forth. I think that a Vista machine, with hardware thats built to run that particular OS, may encounter problems running the XP OS, along with the associated drivers that may not communicate properly with the hardware under the older OS.

        I would back up every bit of bits on that before attempting a downgrade. And I would not install anything until you know for sure the XP OS is running properly and drivers for the hardware are working correctly. If all that pans out, then I would say the programs to be installed should run ok.

        The real expert on these sort of things is Chewy.

        Many thanks thanks for the info. I haven't installed the software and entered my personal files and folders yet because I haven't even set my new PC up yet because I need a bigger desk.

        Many thanks again.


        Originally Posted by Chewy
        AFAIK, they are still writting drivers for XP and the newest hardware, problem is finding them, for example a newer model laptop might have only been released with vista OS installed, or no drivers are listed by the manufacturer

        Many thanks for the info.

        I'll check the link of course but I must say, I found your info confusing because I'm not aware of AFAIK and what drivers are not always listed. By the way, my new PC isn't a Dell because there's so much bad news about them in England. They always go wrong.

        Many thanks again.

        Last edited by blutach; 18 Aug 2007, 09:50 AM.


        • uufta
          Digital Video Expert
          Digital Video Expert
          • Dec 2005
          • 635

          AFAIK="As Far As I Know" ...if thats what confusing you, if not , my bad


          • dazuk1972
            Digital Video Specialist
            Digital Video Specialist
            • Jul 2005
            • 853

            Originally Posted by uufta
            AFAIK="As Far As I Know" ...if thats what confusing you, if not , my bad
            Lol, I didn't know it was the initials for that. I thought they were either the initials or a name for part of a PC. Now I feel like an idiot. Well, never mind, we all slumble on something an show ourselves up.



            • uufta
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Dec 2005
              • 635

              Dont feel bad, I have had to look up alot of what these brainiacs around here throw out there that was one of them a while back. GOOD LUCK.


              • locoeng
                Who Farted?
                • Dec 2005
                • 2509

                A handy link.

                "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's not fair to you and no challenge for us."
                Walt Kelly

