I used to be able to burn using DVDShrink 3.2 no worries. Then my computer died and I had to get a new hard disk. Now when I try to copy. It ripps the DVD just fine but then when I start to backup the dvd it does not bring up my dvd write drive as the target device. It writes a ISO file onto the hard disk and I have no idea f=how to put those onto a blank DVD. Please help.
Does this have something to do with NERO? As I cant find my original dissks and have not installed it on my new hard drive.
I used to be able to burn using DVDShrink 3.2 no worries. Then my computer died and I had to get a new hard disk. Now when I try to copy. It ripps the DVD just fine but then when I start to backup the dvd it does not bring up my dvd write drive as the target device. It writes a ISO file onto the hard disk and I have no idea f=how to put those onto a blank DVD. Please help.
Does this have something to do with NERO? As I cant find my original dissks and have not installed it on my new hard drive.