Hey everyone,
When I have a HD DVD movie that is progressive and my TV set won't handle it nor my DVD Player cause I believe they are interlaced. When do I an encode will it automatically encode the progressive to interlace? If no one has that answer, either one of these 2. Does someone have a tutorial to encode from progressive to interlace or 2.) Does someone have forums that can help me that are highly busy meaning alot of people are on?
When I have a HD DVD movie that is progressive and my TV set won't handle it nor my DVD Player cause I believe they are interlaced. When do I an encode will it automatically encode the progressive to interlace? If no one has that answer, either one of these 2. Does someone have a tutorial to encode from progressive to interlace or 2.) Does someone have forums that can help me that are highly busy meaning alot of people are on?