I recently purchased 2 Azden 300 LT wireless systems for the company that I work for. I'm starting to realize that’s wasn't such a good decision. The receiver from one of the systems doesn’t work at all. I played around by switching the 2 different transmitters with the 2 different receivers to figure out where the problem was and I found out it was the receiver on lets just call it system 1. I had just pulled it out of the box so there is definitely something wrong with it. Both transmitters and the other receiver work fine except for a "tinney" quality to the sound of the working system, but that's just getting what I paid for ($340). I run a production studio and had some programming go missing, and wasn't able to send it in for a return with in the 14 days of delivery date (witch is what their web site says is there deadline for returns). I may be forced to try and make this thing work. Has anyone had any similar problems with and Azden wireless receiver? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
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