Those Retarded Image Codes

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  • dazuk1972
    Digital Video Specialist
    Digital Video Specialist
    • Jul 2005
    • 853

    Those Retarded Image Codes

    Why is it when we want to post something or join something we get those retarded image codes? I heard it's to keep Spammers out. How? They can read what we can and the Spammers make-out what the image codes say. It stops nothing apart from decent people sending messages when we can't understand what these codes say. The codes are written so badly it can take about four attempts or more to get them right and the Spammers cause problems for us because they act so lame. Why don't the servers see the light like me (and others) and get rid of these retarded image codes and cut out the middle man so that we don't have to keep typing a code before something is complete? Most of these image codes are written so badly, nobody can tell what they say a lot of the time. I said they are image codes because the codes appear like a photo as in an image.

    Many thanks.
  • Abuilder
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Oct 2006
    • 347

    Originally Posted by dazuk1972
    Why is it when we want to post something or join something we get those retarded image codes?
    Not on this forum?
    But yes they can be a pain in the butt. When I can't read the damn letters there is always a refresh button that will give you a new key. I just keep pushing it till I get the one I want.
    They tried to Assimilate me and failed!


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      This forum uses them for sign up (or searching if people don't have an account). It uses CAPTCHA, which is supposed to be one of the better systems as it's constantly updated. It does defeat about 50% to 70% of spam bots, but still quite a few gets through. Then there are human solvers, people in third world countries that get paid a few dollars a day to just sit at computers and enter captcha codes.

      There's no perfect solution though, and right now, captcha images are the closest as at least it will defeat the low-tech spammers.
      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


      • PurpleDemon
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Mar 2006
        • 716

        I feel bad for your frustration.

        I remember before the CAPTCHA system was put into Yahoo Games we would have these "bots" enter the game room just to fill them up so no one could play.

        It became really bad with the game tournaments.

        Then we were all relieved when the system came into place and it's been pretty well accepted by most.

        It does seem to help overall IMO.

        BTW It still takes me an average of 4 tries before I read it right.

        My 2 cents. Good Luck

