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  • dazuk1972
    Digital Video Specialist
    Digital Video Specialist
    • Jul 2005
    • 853


    I've never sold anything on EBay before and I want to start doing it. I can't find how to start advertising anything. I clicked on Selling and it only shows records of selling and I can't find anything to click on to type an advert, upload any photos of the item and set-up an auction.

    Can somebody help, please?

    Many thanks.
  • copyless
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2006
    • 713

    When you sign in, in the top right you see, buy, sell, my eBay, etc. When you highlight sell a drop-down should show sell an item, seller tools, etc., click sell an item, it will take you to put in your CC or Debit card, for the seller fees and through the steps. I believe if you click on seller tools it will give you some hints and advice, but I don't know what exactly as I have never went through it, I have sold several items on eBay though. Also if you are selling an item just like one that you know is already on eBay, you can go to that item and scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see Other Options there you will see Sell One Like This, click on it. This should get you started.


    • dazuk1972
      Digital Video Specialist
      Digital Video Specialist
      • Jul 2005
      • 853

      Originally Posted by copyless
      When you sign in, in the top right you see, buy, sell, my eBay, etc. When you highlight sell a drop-down should show sell an item, seller tools, etc., click sell an item, it will take you to put in your CC or Debit card, for the seller fees and through the steps. I believe if you click on seller tools it will give you some hints and advice, but I don't know what exactly as I have never went through it, I have sold several items on eBay though. Also if you are selling an item just like one that you know is already on eBay, you can go to that item and scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see Other Options there you will see Sell One Like This, click on it. This should get you started.
      Many thanks for that. At the moment when I click on Sell An Item I get a broken link where the page is not responding. When I checked the FAQ at e-mail it mentioned something about creating a seller's account. Do I have to create another account where one is for selling and one is for buying? I've only used mine for buying and I'm wondering if that is why I have the broken link.

      Many thanks.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        It may have been because eBay was down for a while, and that's why you got a page not responding error. Try again. You will need to create an account (just a normal account) to proceed, but there is a wizard style thing that will guide you through the process. The interface is not the easiest to navigate though, and there's tons of options, so you might have to do a bit of research of what each option does before you can choose them effectively.

        I've sold a couple of dozen items on eBay, and it's fun, but it took a while for me to understand the entire process and how to best sell items, and at the end, it was still a bit hit and miss in terms of getting a good price (luck has a lot to do with it).
        Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


        • atifsh
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • May 2003
          • 1534

          so whats broken? ur selling
          Seems like as soon you buy somehing, v. 2 comes out 1.5 times as fast!..!


          • copyless
            Digital Video Expert
            Digital Video Expert
            • Apr 2006
            • 713

            A few hints, make sure that anything you think would be searched for is in the name of the item, if it is not a very popular item it is good to use a "buy it now" price, if you place the item for bid, it is good to have it end on the weekend at a decent time. Like I am in the US on the east coast so when I sell, I place the item at a time where it will end around 11pm-12am, either on a Friday or Saturday night,even Sunday is fine, this way it is 8-9pm on the west coast so I have everyone in the US at home and right after they have been paid, and are looking to buy things. Whether you place a 3 or 7 day time frame isn't really as relevant as the ending time. For "Buy it now" sometimes the longer the better say up to 30 days, the only problem here is a lot of buyers use "ending soonest" so it puts your item a lot farther back, if there are a lot of them for sale.

            Free shipping always catches peoples eye, and I'm not sure if everyone has this option, but I get 5 items per month for no seller fees, if you do not get this, then remember you pay eBay on the selling price+fee, but not on the shipping.

            Good luck with your sell.


            • doctorhardware
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Dec 2006
              • 1907

              Also if the item is not new sell it as is, otherwise you may get burned. I did when I first started selling stuff on fleabay.
              Star Baby Girl, Born March,1997 Died June 30th 2007 6:35 PM.


              • dazuk1972
                Digital Video Specialist
                Digital Video Specialist
                • Jul 2005
                • 853

                Many thanks everyone for the info. It turned out that EBay was down in the UK for selling, then. I managed to add items for sale. Now it's a matter of hoping for buyers to be interested.

                Many thanks everyone, again.


                • dazuk1972
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  Digital Video Specialist
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 853

                  Originally Posted by copyless
                  A few hints, make sure that anything you think would be searched for is in the name of the item, if it is not a very popular item it is good to use a "buy it now" price, if you place the item for bid, it is good to have it end on the weekend at a decent time. Like I am in the US on the east coast so when I sell, I place the item at a time where it will end around 11pm-12am, either on a Friday or Saturday night,even Sunday is fine, this way it is 8-9pm on the west coast so I have everyone in the US at home and right after they have been paid, and are looking to buy things. Whether you place a 3 or 7 day time frame isn't really as relevant as the ending time. For "Buy it now" sometimes the longer the better say up to 30 days, the only problem here is a lot of buyers use "ending soonest" so it puts your item a lot farther back, if there are a lot of them for sale.

                  Free shipping always catches peoples eye, and I'm not sure if everyone has this option, but I get 5 items per month for no seller fees, if you do not get this, then remember you pay eBay on the selling price+fee, but not on the shipping.

                  Good luck with your sell.
                  Many thanks for that info on selling. I didn't give it a thought about my items being released for sale when a same item has expired.

                  How do I make my items stay on for a month? I'm aware it will cost me extra money for the use but so far I can only find nine days maximum with no charge for extra time. I would ask EBay but their Contact Us system is silly where I spend ages going around in circles with the FAQ.

                  Many thanks.


                  • dazuk1972
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    Digital Video Specialist
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 853

                    Originally Posted by doctorhardware
                    Also if the item is not new sell it as is, otherwise you may get burned. I did when I first started selling stuff on fleabay.
                    Many thanks for that tip. I did give it a thought before hand where I am selling a used PC game and I made it clear in my advert that it's used, in mint condition and only used once. I only used it once because the game wasn't as good as I thought.


                    • dazuk1972
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      Digital Video Specialist
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 853

                      Originally Posted by admin
                      It may have been because eBay was down for a while, and that's why you got a page not responding error. Try again. You will need to create an account (just a normal account) to proceed, but there is a wizard style thing that will guide you through the process. The interface is not the easiest to navigate though, and there's tons of options, so you might have to do a bit of research of what each option does before you can choose them effectively.

                      I've sold a couple of dozen items on eBay, and it's fun, but it took a while for me to understand the entire process and how to best sell items, and at the end, it was still a bit hit and miss in terms of getting a good price (luck has a lot to do with it).
                      Many thanks for that info. I thought things can be a gamble with auctioning where I can end-up selling for much less that I wanted.

                      I remember buying the video Cohen & Tate years ago on the US EBay and for some reason the Buy It Now was 1c and I paid over $10.00 P&P. I still don't understand why the price was 1c. I bought it on VHS because sadly it's still not on DVD. I don't know why.

