If I checkpoint Positive and give negative feedback the seller's per centage won't drop. I had 100% until some fool never paid and he lied about it and that was when he left me negative feedback and my per centage dropped.
Leaving Feedback At Ebay As A Seller
If I checkpoint Positive and give negative feedback the seller's per centage won't drop. I had 100% until some fool never paid and he lied about it and that was when he left me negative feedback and my per centage dropped.
All of us regular ebay sellers have been in this same situation; unfortunately, there is really not very much recourse on the part of the seller except complain to ebay, as they are the ones that make up the rules.
I sympathize completely with you. It seems like an unfair setup, but as mentioned before, there is no way to please everyone in a business situation like ebay selling. Unfortunately, they are the one holding all the cards in this hand, & they deal as they see fit.
Conversely, as your feedback rating continues to increase, that neg. will disappear and your 100% rating will likely be restored. It happened with my account, although it took a few years for it to happen.
You can also fill a dispute with ebay, & they may review your case & remove the feedback. Again, they did this with my account, although I was a pretty active seller at the time, so that may have had some bearing on their decision.
Don't do so much now --- nothin's sellin' in this economy...(not my stuff, anyway...)Comment
That is another thing that was changed along with the seller/buyer feedback change, dazuk, your negative feedback will only affect your rating for the next 12 months, whereas before it was for as long as that account was active. I know this doesn't help or change anything, but at least it will go back to 100% after 12 months now, before it would have increased/decreased by the other feedback left only. The red X will still be able to be viewed if people scroll through that many pages, but it your percentage will be 100.
I agree for small sellers like I imagine you are, it is a detrimental change, but hopefully you will get some positive feedback to show buyers that the one negative doesn't matter. When I decide to buy I look at feedback, but honestly if it is a power seller, I don't pay a lot of attention to negative feedback, I look at them, but I also realize that no seller can please 100% of their customers.
You really only have a couple of choices unfortunately, and one of them is to open the dispute, if you have not already done so. Hopefully you have started this, since it was mentioned by katz and doc I think.Comment