I figured I had this stuff down and got bored with it, so after making a couple of movies, playing with 3D and animated GIFs, I knocked off for a few years to concentrate on writing a couple of novels. I recently started a new usenet account to check out the humor sites. In the process I hit a few fake celebrity sites to see if the photoshoppers had anything interesting. I noticed one guy had experimented a few weeks ago by placing a video into a jpeg still. It was rather crude, but it wasn't a square box video insert pinnacle and corel video studio came out with a few years back. Then yesterday he posted a bunch of seamless fake avis with the celebrity's head talking away with the body carrying on nefariously. This is unlike anything I've ever seen. The head had been resized perfectly, cut out and placed into the scene with her hair draped across the body. It was impossible to distinguish where the join was. Perhaps the poster has access to professional studio equipment, but I was just curious if anything commercially available had advanced to the point of being able to do this. In one of my videos I had a funny scene where I was talking about UFOs and how there was absolutly no proof of their existence while having an insert of a UFO flying around behind me. I had picked the background behind me to match that of the UFO, and after it flew off I turned around to look at the empty background and turned back to the camera with a deadpanned "What?" expression. But the video insert box was obvious. If you can seamlessly insert heads or objects into videos then the possibilities are endless.