Howdi all,
I'm just about to get 256K ADSL i was wondering thoose who use kazza on a 256K Plan what speed on average do you get when downloading a large video file?
Is kaaza lite faster? or better? in what way if so? Coz from what ive read i followed the instructions and removed the spyware b3d stuff manually according to the CNet article attached in the forum, does the spy ware reduce your download rate?
I'm just about to get 256K ADSL i was wondering thoose who use kazza on a 256K Plan what speed on average do you get when downloading a large video file?
Is kaaza lite faster? or better? in what way if so? Coz from what ive read i followed the instructions and removed the spyware b3d stuff manually according to the CNet article attached in the forum, does the spy ware reduce your download rate?