my search ends at kazaa...

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  • riverblakey
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 4

    my search ends at kazaa...

    I was looking for song "iko iko" sang by belly star but i never get any where in market then my friend suggested me for kazaa(p2p).I checked that,at last after long search i got it there,That was a real break for me. What else i can ask for,thanx kazaa.
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    Oh about promotion of programs...


    • Batman
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Jan 2002
      • 2317

      You'd be surprised what you can and can't find on Kazaa


      • sarit16
        Platinum Member
        Platinum Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 191

        I agree with Batty....

        howdi all,

        I agree with what batty said sometimes u get surprised with what u can and cannot find on kazza, but that prog is always overloaded this speed's very slow rate's,

        therefore now i use Direct Connect and hook it up to Download accelerator and get speed of upto 10Kb/s on a 56K modem, now thats awsome for a 56kers.

        try Direct Connect plenty of hubs and way faster then kazza, but the only downfall is that hub's of T3+ nature require 30Gb+ Sharing.




        • Batman
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2002
          • 2317

          "I agree with what batty said"

          Glad you agree "batty" where's the respect? (I'm overdosing on emoticons) BTW cool avatar Sarit, I gotta get one too.

          Kazaa can be painfully slow, that is my experience. It can be a matter of days, weeks, and possibly months to download a movie. 10 kbps for a modem user is excellent on DC, Sarit. I only rarely achieve 36 kbps. My downloads usually on DC osciallate between the 5-20 kbps range.

          I haven't found any "killer app" so I use a variety of programs to get what i want Each program I have found has its strenghts and weaknesses.


          • sarit16
            Platinum Member
            Platinum Member
            • Dec 2001
            • 191

            Try using Mirc !!!

            howdi Batman,

            Try using mirc as the average speed on that for ADSL 256/64K plamn is 25Kbps and depending on whom u get it of one can get icredible speeds of 75Kbps, its awsome trust me minimum of 22 at least, but downfall is u gotta wait in ques 2 download from, i'm setting up a fserver and ftp as well will email let u know on forum the address heaps of movies over 163 (120Gb) plus games u can get of me,(P.S. I'll give u priority access so need not wait in queue)




            • Enchanter
              Old member
              • Feb 2002
              • 5417

              sarit16, what ISP are you using? The current broadband situation in Australia has never been any worse than it is now. Downloading has been very volume-limited, let alone uploading.


              • Batman
                Lord of Digital Video
                Lord of Digital Video
                • Jan 2002
                • 2317

                Sarit, I've tried them all. mIRC is good if you can get past the queues, which can be a long time and don't forget the dangerous "netsplit".

                Thanks for the offer Sarit, I'll be waiting for the "heaps" of movies and games

